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HyperGraphDB PDF 下载

时间:2020-05-18 14:51来源: 作者:小锋  侵权举报
HyperGraphDB PDF 下载
HyperGraphDB PDF 下载


A Generalized Graph Database
Borislav Iordanov
Kobrix Software, Inc.
Abstract. We present HyperGraphDB, a novel graph database based
on generalized hypergraphs where hyperedges can contain other hyper￾edges. This generalization automatically reifies every entity expressed
in the database thus removing many of the usual difficulties in dealing
with higher-order relationships. An open two-layered architecture of the
data organization yields a highly customizable system where specific do￾main representations can be optimized while remaining within a uniform
conceptual framework. HyperGraphDB is an embedded, transactional
database designed as a universal data model for highly complex, large
scale knowledge representation applications such as found in artificial
intelligence, bioinformatics and natural language processing.
Key words: hypergraph, database, knowledge representation, semantic
web, distributed
1 Introduction
While never reaching widespread industry acceptance, there has been an exten￾sive body of work on graph databases, much of it in the 90s. Various data models
were proposed, frequently coupled with a complex object representation as a nat￾ural, practical application of graph storage. More recently, several developments
have contributed to a renewed interest in graph databases: large-scale networks
research, social networks, bioinformatics as well as the semantic web and related
standards. Part of that interest is due to the massive amounts of graph-oriented
data (e.g. social networks) and part of it to the inherent complexity of the infor￾mation that needs to be represented (semantics and knowledge management).
This body of work has been thoroughly reviewed in [1]. In this paper, we present
the implementation of a generalized hypergraph model independently proposed
by Harold Boley [4] and Ben Goertzel [5]. The model allows for n-ary hyper￾edges that can also point to other edges, and we add an extensible type tower
[6] to the mix. Two generalizations of graphs related to our work have been the
Hypernode model [2] and the GROOVY model [3], both focused specifically on
representing objects and object schemas. While hypergraphs have been exten￾sively used as an analytical tool in database research, we are not aware of any
other implementation of general hypergraphs as a native database.
2 Lecture Notes in Computer Science: HyperGraphDB
The main contributions of HyperGraphDB1
lies in the power of its structurerich, reflexive data model, the dynamic schema enforced by an extensible type
system, and open storage architecture allowing domain specific optimizations.
It must be noted however that the representational flexibility also leads to performance gains when fully exploited. While a hypergraph can be represented as
a regular graph, frequently the opposite is also true in a non-trivial way. Many
graphs will have repetitive structural patterns stemming from the restrictions
of the classical graph model. Such patterns can be abstracted via a hypergraph
resentation, leading to much fewer nodes and database operations. For example,
flow graphs where edges represent multi-way input-output connections can be
stored much more compactly using a hypergraph-based model.
Furthermore, reducing the complexity of a representation is not the only benefit of a hypergraph model. As illustrated in the context of cellular networks,
”transformation to a graph representation is usually possible but may imply a
loss of information that can lead to wrong interpretations afterward” ([7]). In
fact, biological networks are replete with multilateral relationships that find a
direct expression as hypergraphs. Another example of how the ability to represent higher-order relations can improve algorithms can be found in [8], where
the authors present a learning algorithm for Markov Logic Networks based on
what they call ”hypergraph lifting” which amounts to working on higher-order
One common criticism of RDF ([9]) stores is the limited expressiveness of binary predicates, a problem solved by HyperGraphDB’s n-ary relationships. Two
other prominent issues are contextuality (scoping) and reification. A popular
solution of the scoping problem has been proposed in the form of Named Graphs
([11]). Reification is represented through a standardized reification vocabulary,
by transforming an RDF graph into a reified form ([10]). In this transformation
a single triplet yields 4 triplets, which is unnatural, breaks algorithms relying on
the original representation, and suffers from both time and space inefficiencies. A
similar example comes from the Topic Maps standard [12] where reification must
be explicitly added as well, albeit without the need to modify the original representation. Those and other considerations from semantic web research disappear
or find natural solutions in the model implemented by HyperGraphDB.
The paper is organized as follows: first, we review some variations of hypergraphs and describe the particular one adopted by HyperGraphDB. In subsequent sections, we detail the system’s architecture: storage model, typing, indexing, querying and its P2P distribution framework. Lastly, we describe in some
detail one particular application in natural language processing.
1 The system is open-source software, freely available at
p/hypergraphdb.While the current implementation is in the Java programming language, we note that the architecture is host-language-agnostic and we make very few
references to Java constructs in the exposition below.





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