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GBase8s 索引测试方法
-- '------------------索引管理-普通索引--------------------------------'
--建表,建一个表空间TS1,在表的一列上建普通索引,并指定索引的物理存储(初始簇大小为 50,下次分配簇数目为50,所在表空间为TS1)。伪SQL代码如下:
create table t(c1 int, c2 char(10), c3 date);
create index common_idx on T(C1) ;
select name, id from sysobjects where name='COMMON_IDX' and subtype$='INDEX';
drop index COMMON_IDX;
drop table t;
-- '------------------索引管理-聚集索引--------------------------------'
create table test_c(id int,name varchar(10));
create cluster index idx_c_id on test_c(id);
select name, id from sysobjects where name='IDX_C_ID' and subtype$='INDEX';
Drop index idx_c_id;
Drop table test_c;
-- '------------------索引管理-唯一索引--------------------------------'
create table test_c(id int,name varchar(10));
create unique index idx_test_c on TEST_C(ID);
select name, id from sysobjects where name='IDX_TEST_C' and subtype$='INDEX';
drop index idx_test_c ;
drop table test_c ;
-- '------------------索引管理-函数索引--------------------------------'
create table t_1 (c1 int, c2 int, c3 char(20), c4 date, c6 varchar(30));
create index idx on t_1 (c1+c2);
explain select * from t_1 where c1+c2<20;
create table t_2(c1 int, c2 int, c3 char(20), c4 date, c6 varchar(30));
explain select * from t_2 where c1+c2<20;
drop index idx ;
drop table t_1;
drop table t_2;
-- '------------------索引管理-位图索引--------------------------------'
create table t_31(c1 int, c2 char(10), c3 date);
create or replace bitmap index bm_idx on t_31(c1);
select name, id from sysobjects where name='BM_IDX' and subtype$='INDEX';
drop index bm_idx;
drop table t_31;
-- '------------------索引管理-位图连接索引--------------------------------'
create table t_32(c1 int not CLUSTER primary key, c2 char(10), c3 date);
insert into t_32 values(1, 'a','2012-01-02');
insert into t_32 values(2, 'b','2012-02-02');
insert into t_32 values(3, 'c','2012-03-02');
create table t_33(t1 int unique, t2 char(10), t3 date);
insert into t_33 values(1, 'aa','2012-01-02');
insert into t_33 values(11, 'a','2012-01-02');
create or replace bitmap index b_idx on t_32(c1) from t_32, t_33 where t_32.c1=t_33.t1;
select * from t_32, t_33 where t_32.c1=t_33.t1 and t_33.t3='2012-01-02';
drop index b_idx;
drop table t_32;
drop table t_33;
-- '------------------索引管理-分区索引--------------------------------'