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require.async(['wkcommon:widget/ui/lib/sio/sio.js'], function(sio) { var url = 'https://cpro.baidustatic.com/cpro/ui/c.js'; sio.callByBrowser( url, function () { BAIDU_CLB_fillSlotAsync('u2845605','cpro_u2845605'); } ); });
var cpro_psid ="u2572954"; var cpro_pswidth =966; var cpro_psheight =120;
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/* pc阅读页3-4页间(新) */
var cpro_id = "u2845472";
select job, min(sal + nvl(comm, 0)) "最低工资" from emp group by job; --43.列出各个部门的MANAGER(经理)的最低薪金
select min(sal + nvl(comm,0)) from emp where upper(job) = 'MANAGER' group by deptno; --显示部门名称
select dname, min(sal + nvl(comm,0)) from emp, dept where emp.deptno = dept.deptno and upper(job) = 'MANAGER' group by dname;
select ename, to_char((sal+nvl(comm,0))*12, '9999,9999.00') "年工资" from emp order by 2; --45.显示各部门员工薪金最高的前2名
select * from (select ename, deptno, sal, row_number() over(partition by deptno order by sal desc) r from emp ) where r <=2
select * from (select ename, sal,dense_rank() over(order by sal desc) r from emp) where r <=3; --47.创建表myemp和emp表具有相同的结构和记录。 create table myemp as select * from emp;
alter table myemp add constraint pk primary key(empno); --49.给myemp添加一条记录。
insert into myemp values(1,'a','ab',999999,to_date('2008-9-9','yyyy-mm-dd'),5000,1000,30); --50.给myemp添加一条记录只有empno,ename,mgr,sal,deptno有值,其他列为空。
insert into myemp(empno,ename,mgr,sal,deptno) values(20,'aa',30,999999,20); --51.显示所有薪金高于各自部门平均薪金的人。(关联子查询)
select e.ename, e.deptno, e.sal from emp e where e.sal>(select avg(sal) from emp p where e.deptno=p.deptno);
update emp set sal=sal*(1+0.1) where (deptno=10 and upper(job)='MANAGER') or(deptno=20 and upper(job)='CLERK');
delete from dept where deptno not in(select distinct deptno from emp); --54.删除雇佣年限低于20年的员工。
delete from emp where trunc(sysdate-hiredate) < 365*20;
1. 查询所有雇员姓名以及其全年收入(工资+奖金),并指定列别名为“年收入”。 select ename,12*(sal+nvl(comm,0)) as年收入 from emp; 2. 查询有雇员的所有部门的部门号和部门名称。 select empno,ename,dept.dname,dept.deptno from emp,dept where
3. 查询工资超过2850的雇员姓名和工资。 select ename, sal from emp where sal>2850;
4. 查询工资不在1500到2850之间的所有雇员姓名和工资。
select ename, sal from emp where sal not between 1500 and 2850; 5. 查询10号部门和30号部门工资超过1500的雇员姓名和工资。
select ename, sal from emp where sal < 1500 and deptno in (10,30); 6. 查询没有上司的员工姓名及其职位。
var cpro_psid = "u2787156";
var cpro_pswidth = "966";
var cpro_psheight = "120";