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Database Resources of the BIG Data Center in 2018 PDF 下载
BIG Search
BIG Search is a scalable text search engine that provides
an inter-domain navigation and uniform access to a va-
riety of database resources. Technically, BIG Search con-
gine and Search Interface. In the current release, the Data
Provider includes not only all database resources hosted at
//bigd.big.ac.cn/partners), viz., AnimalTFDB (10) that is
a comprehensive resource for animal transcription factors,
dbPAF (11) that is a resource of protein phosphorylation
events in human, animals and fungi, DEG (12) that is a
database of essential genes, DoriC (13) that is a database of
replication origins for prokaryotic genomes, LncRNADis-
ease (14) that is a database of lncRNA-disease associations,
lncRNASNP (15) that is a database of variants in lncR-
NAs and PLMD (16) that is an integrative resource of 20
types of protein lysine modifications, which together make
different types of data searchable by providing an index
file in JSON format. The Data Indexer, including batch in-
dexer and real-time indexer, is developed for large-scale ini-
tial data importing and small-scale real-time data updating,
respectively. The Distributed Search Engine that is based
on ElasticSearch (https://www.elastic.co; a highly scalable
open-source full-text search and analytics engine based on
Apache Lucene), plays a significant role throughout the
whole platform and enables users to get access to powerful
retrieval and analytical capabilities to all processed data by
the Data Indexer. The Search Interface communicates with
tocol to present retrieval data through a web page. As a new
feature in the BIG Data Center, BIG Search hosts a vast
amount of data indexes from multiple resources and pro-
vides powerful text search functionality, enabling users to
have inter-domain navigation and access to a wide range of
biological data in one place. BIG Search has been imple-
mented as a user-friendly search service and is accessible at
the home page of the BIG Data Center.
BIG Single Sign-On
The BIG Single Sign-On (SSO; http://bigd.big.ac.cn/sso) is
a user access control system that can be used to gain ac-
cess to multiple independent systems with a single ID and
password. BIG SSO is developed based on the Central Au-
thentication Service, which is an open source web protocol
that permits a user to access multiple web systems while
just providing their credentials only once. Currently, BIG
SSO provides user authentication services for a family of
and grant access to the rest of systems without using differ-