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A Binary Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm For Uncapacitated PDF 下载

时间:2020-09-23 09:37来源: 作者:转载  侵权举报
A Binary Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm For Uncapacitated PDF 下载
A Binary Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm For Uncapacitated PDF 下载


1. Introduction 
The lot-sizing problem attracted attention because of its impact on the 
inventory levels and, hence the inventory holding cost and the setup/ordering 
cost. It is basically concerned with finding order quantities minimizing the 
total cost of lot sizing decisions. Lot quantity might be either an amount of 
purchase or production depending on the problem domain on hand in order to 
 Management Department, Fatih University, 34500 Buyukcekmece, Istanbul, Turkey. 
∗∗ Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, Yuan Ze University
No 135 Yuan-Tung Road, Chung-Li, Taoyuan County, Taiwan 320, R.O.C.
2 M. Fatih Taşgetiren & Yun-Chia Liang 
meet the net requirements of the customer demand. In lot sizing problems, 
time horizon is defined as given time buckets in which quantity decisions are 
generally given at the beginning of each time bucket. Lot sizing decisions are
made in such a way that all customer requirements are met at the end of the
time horizon. 
In general, lot quantities are determined as the total requirement for a
number of periods in which the total cost is minimized. It balances the
tradeoff between the ordering and the holding costs. In other words, it 
depends on the requirement in the current period plus the requirements for the 
future periods. So the order quantity is determined by grouping the net 
requirements for a number of periods ahead. There exist different techniques 
to determine the lot quantities. Most popular one is the lot-for-lot where
whatever needed is ordered. One other strategy is to order a fixed order 
quantity, which is common in industry, at each period regardless of any
variation in the demand requirements. Another technique is to cover the net 
requirements for a number of future periods, called fixed periods. In addition, 
it is also possible to combine the different strategies together. 
Several factors should be considered when lot-sizing decisions are 
given. These factors are ordering cost, holding cost, shortage cost, capacity
constraints, minimum order quantity, maximum order quantity, quantity
discounts and so on. Combination of these factors results in different models 
to analyze and different solution procedures are used depending on the model 
employed. The model and its solution procedure can be made complicated by
considering these factors in the models, which can be classified as capacitated 
or uncapacitated, single-level or multi-level, single-item or multi-item models. 
In this paper, we consider the uncapacitated, single-item, no 
shortages-allowed and single-level lot sizing model and solve it by a binary 
particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm. The rest of the paper is 
organized as follows: The next section formulates the problem, followed by a 
literature review. Then the binary PSO algorithm applied to lot sizing problem 
is given along with a traditional genetic algorithm, followed by some
experimental results. Finally, conclusion and future work is presented. 
A Binary Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm 
for Lot Sizing Problem
2. Problem Formulation 
The mathematical formulation of the lot sizing model considered in this paper 
is given as follows: 
( )
: (1) 1
subject to
ni i cI i Ax ⎟⎠⎞ ⎜⎝⎛ ∑= + 0 (2) 0 i I = ∀ (3) 1 i i R iI i Qi x iI + − = ∀ − 0 (4) i i I ≥ ∀ 0 (5) i i Q ≥ ∀
{ } 0,1 (6) i i x ∈ ∀
n =number of periods 
A =ordering/setup cost per period 
c =holding cost per unit per period 
i R =net requirement for period i 
i Q =Order quantity for period i 
iI =projected inventory balance for period i 
i x =1 if an order is placed in period i, =0 otherwise. i x
In the objective function (1), a penalty A is charged for each order
placed along with a penalty c for each unit carried in inventory over the next 
period. Equation (2) guaranties that no initial inventory is available. Equation 
(3) is the inventory balance equation in which the order quantity covers all 
the requirements until the next order. Equation (4) satisfies the condition that
no shortages are allowed. And finally, equation (5) shows the decision 
variable to be either 1 (place an order) or 0 (do not place an order). It 
should be noted that initial inventory is zero, , such that by
equation (3) if . Because of the minimization nature of the problem, Qi i x 0 0I = 1 1x = 0 1R >
4 M. Fatih Taşgetiren & Yun-Chia Liang 
the ending inventory at each period is minimized to avoid the penalty charge 
c, particularly = 0 . nI
3. Literature Review 
Different solution procedures are available to determine the lot quantities. The 
most popular one is the economic order quantity, EOQ (Mennell, 1961).
Theoretically, EOQ minimizes the ordering and holding cost, but assumes that
the requirements are constant or stationary from period to period. For the case
of dynamic requirements in which the requirements are significantly variable
over the periods, Silver and Meal (1973) presented a heuristic, so called 
Silver-Meal heuristic. The heuristic tries to minimize the ordering and holding 
costs per unit of time. Other heuristics are common in most production text
books such as Least Unit Cost, LUC and Part Period Balancing, PPB. See 
Sipper and Bulfin (1997) for details. Wagner and Whitin, WW (1958) 
provided a dynamic programming to solve the problem optimally. 
4. Binary PSO Algorithm For Lot Sizing Problem 
Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) is one of the evolutionary optimization
methods inspired by nature which include evolutionary strategy (ES),
evolutionary programming (EP), genetic algorithm (GA), and genetic 
programming (GP). PSO is distinctly different from other evolutionary-type
methods in that it does not use the filtering operation (such as crossover 
and/or mutation) and the members of the entire population are maintained
through the search procedure. In PSO algorithm, each member is called
“particle”, and each particle flies around in the multi-dimensional search 
space with a velocity, which is constantly updated by the particle’s own 
experience and the experience of the particle’s neighbors. Since PSO was 
first introduced by Kennedy and Eberhart (1995, 2001), it has been 
successfully applied to optimize various continuous nonlinear functions. 
Although the applications of PSO on combinatorial optimization problems are 
still limited, PSO has its merit in the simple concept and economic 
computational cost. 
The main idea behind the development of PSO is the social sharing of
information among individuals of a population. In PSO algorithms, search is 
A Binary Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm 
for Lot Sizing Problem
conducted by using a population of particles, corresponding to individuals as 
in the case of evolutionary algorithms. Unlike GA, there is no operator of 
natural evolution which is used to generate new solutions for future 
generation. Instead, PSO is based on the exchange of information between 
individuals, so called particles, of the population, so called swarm. Each 
particle adjusts its own position towards its previous experience and towards 
the best previous position obtained in the swarm. Memorizing its best own 
position establishes the particle’s experience implying a local search along 
with global search emerging from the neighboring experience or the 
experience of the whole swarm. Two variants of the PSO algorithm were
developed, one with a global neighborhood, and other one with a local 
neighborhood. According to the global neighborhood, each particle moves 
towards its best previous position and towards the best particle in the whole
swarm, called gbest model. On the other hand, according to the local variant, 
called lbest model, each particle moves towards its best previous position and 
towards the best particle in its restricted neighborhood (Kennedy, 2001). 
Kennedy and Eberhart (1997) also developed the discrete binary version of 
the PSO. PSO has been successfully applied to a wide range of applications
such as power and voltage control (Abido, 2002), mass-spring system 
(Brandstatter & Baumgartner, 2002), and task assignment (Salman et al.,
2003). The comprehensive survey of the PSO algorithms and applications can
be found in Kennedy et al. (2001).




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