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Spring Cloud Kubernetes文档 PDF 下载
Spring Cloud Kubernetes
1. Why do you need Spring Cloud Kubernetes?
2. Starters
3. DiscoveryClient for Kubernetes
4. Kubernetes native service discovery
5. Kubernetes PropertySource implementations
5.1. Using a ConfigMap PropertySource
5.2. Secrets PropertySource
5.3. PropertySource Reload
6. Ribbon Discovery in Kubernetes
7. Kubernetes Ecosystem Awareness
7.1. Kubernetes ProÕle AutoconÕguration
7.2. Istio Awareness
8. Pod Health Indicator
9. Leader Election
10. LoadBalancer for Kubernetes
11. Security ConÕgurations Inside Kubernetes
11.1. Namespace
11.2. Service Account
12. Service Registry Implementation
13. Examples
14. Other Resources
15. ConÕguration properties
16. Building
16.1. Basic Compile and Test
16.2. Documentation
16.3. Working with the code
16.3.1. Activate the Spring Maven proÕle
16.3.2. Importing into eclipse with m2eclipse
16.3.3. Importing into eclipse without m2eclipse
17. Contributing
17.1. Sign the Contributor License Agreement
17.2. Code of Conduct
17.3. Code Conventions and Housekeeping
17.4. Checkstyle
17.4.1. Checkstyle conÕguration
17.5. IDE setup
17.5.1. Intellij IDEA
This reference guide covers how to use Spring Cloud Kubernetes.
1. Why do you need Spring Cloud Kubernetes?
2020/8/31 Spring Cloud Kubernetes
https://docs.spring.io/spring-cloud-kubernetes/docs/1.1.6.RELEASE/reference/html/ 2/23
Spring Cloud Kubernetes provides implementations of well known Spring Cloud interfaces allowing developers to build and run
Spring Cloud applications on Kubernetes. While this project may be useful to you when building a cloud native application, it is
also not a requirement in order to deploy a Spring Boot app on Kubernetes. If you are just getting started in your journey to
running your Spring Boot app on Kubernetes you can accomplish a lot with nothing more than a basic Spring Boot app and
Kubernetes itself. To learn more, you can get started by reading the Spring Boot reference documentation for deploying to
Kubernetes and also working through the workshop material Spring and Kubernetes. 2. Starters
Starters are convenient dependency descriptors you can include in your application. Include a starter to get the dependencies and
Spring Boot auto-conÕguration for a feature set.
Starter Feat