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1.1 Where is the homepage of this book?
The homepage of “Tackling TypeScript” is exploringjs.com/tackling-ts/
1.2 What is in this book?
This book consists of two parts:
• Part 1 is a quick start for TypeScript that teaches you the essentials quickly.
• Part 2 digs deeper into the language and covers many important topics in detail.
This book is not a reference, it is meant to complement the official TypeScript handbook.
Required knowledge: You must know JavaScript. If you want to refresh your knowledge: My book “JavaScript for impatient programmers” is free to read online.
1.3 What do I get for my money?
If you buy this book, you get:
• The current content in four DRM-free versions:
12 1 About this book
– PDF file
– ZIP archive with ad-free HTML
– EPUB file
– MOBI file
• Any future content that is added to this edition. How much I can add depends on
the sales of this book.
1.4 How can I preview the content?
On the homepage of this book, there are extensive previews for all versions of this book.
1.5 How do I report errors?
• The HTML version of this book has a link to comments at the end of each chapter.
• They jump to GitHub issues, which you can also access directly