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JavaScript Applications with Node.js, React, React Native and MongoDB PDF 下载
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Chapter 5: Managing Availability and
In an ideal world, you could store an infinite amount of data, access it
from anywhere in near-zero time and never have any data loss or corruption.
Reality is that it takes a lot of work to approach these ideals. As you design
your data model and subsequently try it out, you need to tune your DBMS for
consistency, availability, and performance. You can now consider what
mechanisms are at your disposal to approach these ideals.
It really takes a fair amount of time to fine-tune each aspect of the
management of your MongoDB database. Many times, you will be faced with
tradeoffs that have to be made. This chapter will look at some of the aspects
that can be “fine-tuned” for specific access scenarios.
In a PaaS environment, some of this work should be less than has been
traditionally required in the past with a DBMS. MongoDB has certainly done
a great job of making some things automatically happen that used to require a
lot of manual configuration.
5.1 Indexing
Imagine you had a problem finding personal belongings such as your car
keys, the TV remote, your favorite pair of socks, your wallet or purse, etc.
Perhaps when you try to head out the door, you find yourself frantically
searching for your car keys every morning.
One approach to solving this would be to keep a whiteboard right next to
your front door that had two columns. One column would list the item you
cared about and the other column would list the known location of that item.
The whiteboard might look like this: