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How To Code in Node.js PDF 下载
Written by Stack Abuse
The author selected the Open Internet/Free Speech Fund to receive a
donation as part of the Write for DOnations program.
In Node.js, a module is a collection of JavaScript functions and objects
that can be used by external applications. Describing a piece of code as a
module refers less to what the code is and more to what it does—any
Node.js file or collection of files can be considered a module if its functions
and data are made usable to external programs.
Because modules provide units of functionality that can be reused in
many larger programs, they enable you to create loosely coupled
applications that scale with complexity, and open the door for you to share
your code with other developers. Being able to write modules that export
useful functions and data will allow you to contribute to the wider Node.js
community—in fact, all packages that you use on npm were bundled and
shared as modules. This makes creating modules an essential skill for a
Node.js developer.
In this tutorial, you will create a Node.js module that suggests what color
web developers should use in their designs. You will develop the module by
storing the colors as an array, and providing a function to retrieve one
randomly. Afterwards, you will run through various ways of importing a
module into a Node.js application.