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相关截图: ![]() 资料目录: CHAPTER 01: APPEARANCE
632 m, Defining Shanghai's New Landmark
578,000 m2, The "Vertical Bund"
4 Times Deformation to a Dynamic "Body"
"Time-Travelling" at a 120° Rotation
Test Tracking: Wind Tunnel Tests with Total 120° Rotation
95° V-Shaped Groove, Defining Beginning and End
Double-Skin Fagade to Save 50% on Energy Consumption
Glass Skin Made by 20,357 Pieces of Glass Panels with Dynamic Smooth Design
150% Safety Factor to Avoid "Grass Rain"
Test Tracking: Tests on Four Characteristics of Glass Curtain Walls
Podium Building 38 m High with a "Dual Personatity"
"Invisible Raincoat" Inside the 10 cm Interspace
12% Light Reftectivity: Transparent and Soft
135 F[oors of Setback, Composing the Externa[ Curtain Wait
21 Sky Gardens
The Tallest Sky Garden with 380 m2
Wisterias in Half Garden, Vitality for 600 Years
1,817 Parking Spaces, Relieving Parking Jams
340-Meter-Long "Boulevard" Connects the "Golden Triangle" of Lujiazui
33% Green Coverage Rate: A Green Environment
26 Moss Balls Confirm Fresh Air
7,500 m2 Sky Garden
A Trifecta of Color
132-Meter-Long "Ideational Landscape", A Mirror for Thought
A "Fish Joy Painting" of 632 Colored Glaze Pieces
A Museum at 173 m High
18,698 Optimum Crass Private Treasure Houses
Groundbreaking Cloisonne Enamel, 1,789,653 Wire Inlays
1,000 Character Groups
2,000 m2 Space Sans Columns
Atuminum Tubes, 1,989 m Long, A Dynamic Hair
Inner Curtain War[ Intact at 960 ℃
Test Tracking: Fire Double-Sided Test at 1,000 ℃
Evacuating Personnel in 108 Minutes
Foam Transportation Tubes, 620 m Long
How to Ctean Grass Curtain Wails Covering 400,000 m2
Straight into the Air at 20.5 m/s
Lifts Arriving in 35 Seconds
360° Vision without Occtusion
1,000 Tons of Damper, as Steady as Mount Tai
23-Meter-High Art Space: "Shanghai Smart Eye"
244 Loudspeakers, the "Holographic Sound"
Granite 288 m Underground
A Home in the 9th Soil Layer
Silent "Crossing" 86 m Underground
3,100 Tons, Ultimate Bearing Capacity
Test Tracking: 3,100 Tons Limit Test
5 Steps of Piting, Precise Imptementation
1,079 Pile Foundations, Staggered Arrangement
40 Pressure Retief Wells for Confined Water
7 Pipe[ines in Road Reconstruction
A Super-Large Foundation Pit with an Inner Diameter of 121m
"Moving Ants" for 600,000 m3 of Soil
15,000 Tons of Steel Bars in 20 Days
Pouring a Base of 60,000 m3 at Once
Test Tracking: Actual Test of Concrete Ratio
5,630 Foundation Pit Guardians
A Green Channel for Bearing More Than 500 kg/m2
9-Layer Cake Inspiration
A 580-Meter-High Economic Core Tube
2° Tilt
An 800 m2 "Aircraft"
A3 m2 Aerial Platform
How a 500-Ton Tower Crane Ctimbs
3 "Crescent Moon" Spacecrafts
A 102-Layer "Bustte"
1,500 Connection Points Tugging on the "Outer Coat"
Innovating 15 Specia[ Supports
Test Track: Friction Coefficient Test of Special Bearings
Saving 1,322 Horizontal and Vertical grip Supports
413 Sensors to Monitor Safety
18 "Dynamic Holes" Penetrate the Grass Curtain Watts
32 Doubte-Hanging Baskets Wearing the Buitding's Coat
4 "Eggbeater" Cranes
AThin, Light Lift, with Bearing Capacity of 230 kg/m2
Pumping Concrete to 620 m High
A 25 Fin-Shaped Truss "Light Crown"
10,733 Lights Aright a Tower's Crown
BIM Efficiency, Saving at Least 100,000,000 Yuan
Setting Up Green Benchmarks by using 43 Energy Saving Technotogies
Green Procurement Radius of 500 km
VAV Air Conditioner Saving 50% Energy
Feedback Lifts with Power Conversion 30% Utitization Rate
24 Suntight Sensors Curtains
Intet[igent Lighting "Ptants" 100,000 Trees
Quiet Air Conditioning Reduces 15 Noisy Decibels
9 Sets of Transmission Pumps
Inteltigent Savings for 245,994 m3 Rectaimed Water
lO,340-Meter Pipeline Soit Capittaries
254 "Meter Readers" Controiting Water
90-Meter-Long "Anger Wings" Etiminate Atomization
Two 110 kV Circuits Ensuring Safety
270 High Attitude Green Etectric Generators
2-Ways Guarantee, Mutua[ Backup
2 Energy Centers Realize Partition Energy Suppty
Tri pie "Gas Hearts" Generate 12,800,000 kWh
3 Cooling Refrigerators to Transfer Energy
127 Ground Source Heat Pumps, Responsibte for the Perfect Exchange of Hot and Cord
2 CooiingTowers, Free Cord Source
An "lntelligent Brain" of 200,000 Nerve Endings
10% Energy Saving by Best Energy Manager