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Database Principles and Technologies – Based on Huawei GaussDB_Huawei Technologies PDF 下载
相关截图: ![]() 资料目录:
1 Introduction to Databases
1. 1 Overview of Database Technology
1. 1. 1 Data
1. 1. 2 Database
1. 1. 3 Database Management System
1. 1. 4 Database System
1. 2 History of Database Technology
1. 2. 1 Emergence and Development of Database Technology
1. 2. 2 Comparison of the Three Stages of Data Management
1. 2. 3 Benefits of Database
1. 2. 4 Development Characteristics of the Database
1. 2. 5 Hierarchical Model, Mesh Model and Relational Model
1. 2. 6 Structured Query Language
1. 2. 7 Characteristics of Relational Databases
1. 2. 8 Historical Review of Relational Database Products
1. 2. 9 Other Data Models
1. 2. 10 New Challenges for Data Management Technologies
1. 2. 11 NoSQL Database
1. 2. 12 NewSQL Database
1. 2. 13 Database Ranking
1. 3 Architecture of Relational Databases
1. 3. 1 Development of Database Architecture
1. 3. 2 Single-Host Architecture
1. 3. 3 Group Architecture: Master-Standby Architecture
1. 3. 4 Group Architecture: Master-Slave Architecture
1. 3. 5 Group Architecture: Multi-Master Architecture
1. 3. 6 Shared Disk Architecture
1. 3. 7 Sharding Architecture
1. 3. 8 Shared-Nothing Architecture
1. 3. 9 Massively Parallel Processing Architecture
1. 3. 10 Comparison of the Characteristics of Database
1. 4 Mainstream Applications of Relational Databases
1. 4. 1 Online Transaction Processing
1. 4. 2 Online Analytical Processing
1. 4. 3 Database Performance Measurement Indicators
1. 5 Summary
1. 6 Exercises
2 Basic Knowledge of Database
2. 1 Overview of Database Management
2. 1. 1 Database Management and Its Scope of Work
2. 1. 2 Object Management
2. 1. 3 Backup and Recovery Management
2. 1. 4 Security Management
2. 1. 5 Performance Management
2. 1. 6 O&M Management
2. 2 Key Concepts of Database
2. 2. 1 Database and Database Instance
2. 2. 2 Database Connection and Session
2. 2. 3 Schema
2. 2. 4 Tablespace
2. 2. 5 Table
2. 2. 6 How the Table Is Stored
2. 2. 7 Partition
2. 2. 8 Data Distribution
2. 2. 9 Data Types
2. 2. 10 View
2. 2. 11 Index
2. 2. 12 Constraints
2. 2. 13 Transaction
2. 3 Summary
2. 4 Exercises
3 Getting Started with SQL Syntax
3. 1 Overview of SQL Statements
3. 1. 1 What is an SQL Statement
3. 1. 2 Comprehensive Application of SQL Statements
3. 2 Data Types
3. 2. 1 Common Data Types
3. 2. 2 Uncommon Data Types
3. 2. 3 Cases of Data Types
3. 3 System Functions
3. 3. 1 Numeric Calculation Functions
3. 3. 2 Character Processing Functions
3. 3. 3 Time and Date Functions
3. 3. 4 Type Conversion Functions
3. 3. 5 System Information Functions
3. 4 Operators
3. 4. 1 Logical Operators
3. 4. 2 Comparison Operators
3. 4. 3 Arithmetic Operators
3. 4. 4 Test Operators
3. 4. 5 Other Operators
3. 5 Summary
3. 6 Exercises
4 SQL Syntax Categories
4. 1 Data Query
4. 1. 1 Simple Query
4. 1. 2 Removing Duplicate Values
4. 1. 3 Query Column Selection
4. 1. 4 Conditional Query
4. 1. 5 Join Query
4. 1. 6 Subquery
4. 1. 7 Merging Result Sets
4. 1. 8 Difference Result Sets
4. 1. 9 Data Grouping
4. 1. 10 Data Sorting
4. 1. 11 Data Restriction
4. 2 Data Update
4. 2. 1 Data Insertion
4. 2. 2 Data Modification
4. 2. 3 Data Deletion
4. 3 Data Definition
4. 3. 1 Database Objects
4. 3. 2 Creating a Table
4. 3. 3 Modifying Table Properties
4. 3. 4 Deleting a Table
4. 3. 5 Index
4. 3. 6 View
4. 4 Data Control
4. 4. 1 Transaction Control
4. 4. 2 Committing a Transaction
4. 4. 3 Rolling Back a Transaction
4. 4. 4 Transaction Save Points
4. 5 Others
4. 5. 1 SHOW Command
4. 5. 2 SET Command
4. 6 Summary
4. 7 Exercises
5 Database Security Fundamentals
5. 1 Overview of Database Security Features
5. 1. 1 What Is Database Security Management
5. 1. 2 Database Security Framework
5. 1. 3 Database Security Features
5. 2 Access Control
5. 2. 1 What Is IAM
5. 2. 2 IAM Features
5. 2. 3 IAM Authorization
5. 2. 4 Relationship Between IAM and GaussDB (for MySQL)
5. 2. 5 How to Use GaussDB(for MySQL) with IAM
5. 2. 6 Detailed Explanation of SSL
5. 3 User Permission Control
5. 3. 1 Permission Concept
5. 3. 2 Users
5. 3. 3 Modifying a User
5. 3. 4 Deleting a User
5. 3. 5 Roles
5. 3. 6 Authorization
5. 3. 7 Permission Recovery
5. 4 Cloud Audit Services
5. 4. 1 What Are Cloud Audit Services
5. 4. 2 Key Operations to Support Cloud Audit Services
5. 5 Summary
5. 6 Exercises
6 Database Development Environment
6. 1 GaussDB Database Driver
6. 1. 1 What Is a Driver
6. 1. 2 JDBC
6. 1. 3 ODBC
6. 1. 4 Others
6. 2 Database Tools
6. 2. 1 DDM
6. 2. 2 DRS
6. 2. 3 DAS
6. 3 Client Tools
6. 3. 1 zsql
6. 3. 2 gsql
6. 3. 3 Data Studio
6. 3. 4 MySQL Workbench
6. 4 Summary
6. 5 Exercises
7 Database Design Fundamentals
7. 1 Database Design Overview
7. 1. 1 Difficulties of Database Design
7. 1. 2 Goal of Database Design
7. 1. 3 Methods of Database Design
7. 2 Requirements Analysis
7. 2. 1 Significance of Requirement Analysis
7. 2. 2 Tasks of the Requirement Analysis Stage
7. 2. 3 Methods of Requirement Analysis
7. 2. 4 Data Dictionary
7. 3 Conceptual Design
7. 3. 1 Conceptual Design and Conceptual Model
7. 3. 2 E-R Approach
7. 4 Logical Design
7. 4. 1 Logical Design and Logical Models
7. 4. 2 IDEF1X Method
7. 4. 3 Entities and Attributes in the Logic Model
7. 4. 4 NF Theory
7. 4. 5 Logic Design Considerations
7. 5 Physical Design
7. 5. 1 Physical Design and Physical Models
7. 5. 2 Denormalization of the Physical Model
7. 5. 3 Maintaining Data Integrity
7. 5. 4 Establishing a Physicalized Naming Convention
7. 5. 5 Physicalizing Tables and Fields
7. 5. 6 Using Modeling Software
7. 5. 7 Physical Model Products
7. 6 Database Design Case
7. 6. 1 Scenario Description
7. 6. 2 Regularization Processing
7. 6. 3 Data Types and Length
7. 6. 4 Denormalization
7. 6. 5 Index Selection
7. 7 Summary
7. 8 Exercises
8 Introduction to Huawei Cloud Database GaussDB
8. 1 GaussDB Database Overview
8. 1. 1 GaussDB Database Family
8. 1. 2 Typical OLTP and OLAP Databases
8. 2 Relational Database Products and Related Tools
8. 2. 1 GaussDB (for MySQL)
8. 2. 2 GaussDB (openGauss)
8. 2. 3 GaussDB (DWS)
8. 2. 4 Data Studio
8. 3 NoSQL Databases
8. 3. 1 GaussDB (for Mongo)
8. 4 Summary
8. 5 Exercises