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[Taming.Text(2013.1)].Grant.S.Ingersoll.文字版 PDF 下载
DESCRIPTION It is no secret that the world is drowning in textand data. This causes real problems for everyday users who need tomake sense of all the information available, and for softwareengineers who want to make their text-based applications moreuseful and user-friendly. Whether building a search engine for acorporate website, automatically organizing email, or extractingimportant nuggets of information from the news, dealing withunstructured text can be daunting. Taming Text is a hands-on,example-driven guide to working with unstructured text in thecontext of real-world applications. It explores how toautomatically organize text, using approaches such as full-textsearch, proper name recognition, clustering, tagging, informationextraction, and summarization. This book gives examplesillustrating each of these topics, as well as the foundations uponwhich they are built. KEY POINTS "h One-stop shop for learning howto process text "h Clear, concise, and practical advice "h Buildson high quality open source libraries