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Cloud Architectures PDF 下载

时间:2020-04-11 18:39来源: 作者:小锋  侵权举报
Cloud Architectures PDF 下载
Cloud Architectures PDF 下载

This paper illustrates the style of building applications using services available in the Internet cloud. 
Cloud Architectures are designs of software applications that use Internet-accessible on-demand services. Applications built 
on Cloud Architectures are such that the underlying computing infrastructure is used only when it is needed (for example to 
process a user request), draw the necessary resources on-demand (like compute servers or storage), perform a specific job, 
then relinquish the unneeded resources and often dispose themselves after the job is done. While in operation the 
application scales up or down elastically based on resource needs. 
This paper is divided into two sections. In the first section, we describe an example of an application that is currently in 
production using the on-demand infrastructure provided by Amazon Web Services. This application allows a developer to do 
pattern-matching across millions of web documents. The application brings up hundreds of virtual servers on-demand, runs 
a parallel computation on them using an open source distributed processing framework called Hadoop, then shuts down all 
the virtual servers releasing all its resources back to the cloud—all with low programming effort and at a very reasonable 
cost for the caller. 
In the second section, we discuss some best practices for using each Amazon Web Service - Amazon S3, Amazon SQS, 
Amazon SimpleDB and Amazon EC2 - to build an industrial-strength scalable application. 
Amazon Web Services, Amazon S3, Amazon EC2, Amazon SimpleDB, Amazon SQS, Hadoop, MapReduce, Cloud Computing 
Amazon Web Services 
Amazon Web Services 
Why Cloud Architectures? 
Cloud Architectures address key difficulties surrounding 
large-scale data processing. In traditional data processing 
it is difficult to get as many machines as an application 
needs. Second, it is difficult to get the machines when 
one needs them. Third, it is difficult to distribute and coordinate a large-scale job on different machines, run 
processes on them, and provision another machine to
recover if one machine fails. Fourth, it is difficult to autoscale up and down based on dynamic workloads. Fifth, it 
is difficult to get rid of all those machines when the job is 
done. Cloud Architectures solve such difficulties. 
Applications built on Cloud Architectures run in-the-cloud 
where the physical location of the infrastructure is 
determined by the provider. They take advantage of 
simple APIs of Internet-accessible services that scale ondemand, that are industrial-strength, where the complex 
reliability and scalability logic of the underlying services 
remains implemented and hidden inside-the-cloud. The 
usage of resources in Cloud Architectures is as needed, 
sometimes ephemeral or seasonal, thereby providing the 
highest utilization and optimum bang for the buck. 
Business Benefits of Cloud Architectures 
There are some clear business benefits to building 
applications using Cloud Architectures. A few of these are 
listed here: 
1. Almost zero upfront infrastructure investment: If you 
have to build a large-scale system it may cost a 
fortune to invest in real estate, hardware (racks, 
machines, routers, backup power supplies), 
hardware management (power management, 
cooling), and operations personnel. Because of the 
upfront costs, it would typically need several rounds 
of management approvals before the project could 
even get started. Now, with utility-style computing, 
there is no fixed cost or startup cost. 
2. Just-in-time Infrastructure: In the past, if you got 
famous and your systems or your infrastructure did 
not scale you became a victim of your own success. 
Conversely, if you invested heavily and did not get
famous, you became a victim of your failure. By 
deploying applications in-the-cloud with dynamic 
capacity management software architects do not 
have to worry about pre-procuring capacity for largescale systems. The solutions are low risk because 
you scale only as you grow. Cloud Architectures can 
relinquish infrastructure as quickly as you got them 
in the first place (in minutes). 
3. More efficient resource utilization: System 
administrators usually worry about hardware 
procuring (when they run out of capacity) and better 
infrastructure utilization (when they have excess and 
idle capacity). With Cloud Architectures they can 
manage resources more effectively and efficiently by 
having the applications request and relinquish 
resources only what they need (on-demand).





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