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Page 38:
The sentence "To download kubectl for Linux or Windows..."
should read:
"To download kubectl for Linux, replace darwin in the URL with linux. For windows, replace it with windows and add .exe at the end.
Page 70:
The top-most sentence should be:
"You've included the labels creation_method=manual and env=prod in the metadata.labels section."
Page 76, Listing 3.5:
The word pod in the second line should be capitalized. The line should read: kind: Pod
Page 86, Listing 4.1:
The word pod in the second line should be capitalized. The line should read: kind: Pod
Page 136:
The first bullet that reads "" should read ""
Page 140:
The sentence that starts with
"With kubectl explain, you can double-check …"
should read:
"With kubectl describe, you can double-check …"
Page 146, Listing 5.14:
The line that reads
path: /foo
should read:
path: /bar
Page 164:
In the sidebar, the line of code that reads mkdir /var/htdocs should be removed.
Page 183-184:
The last sentence on page 183 and the first on 184 should be one sentence that reads: "This type of PersistentVolume only supports the Retain and Delete policies."
Page 211:
This error hasn't been corrected in any version.
In the paragraph above listing 7.18, the permissions should read: (-rw-r--r--).
Page 211, Listing 7.18
This error hasn't been corrected in any version.
The line that reads defaultMode: "6600" should read defaultMode: 0660. The annotation should read "This sets the permissions for all files to -rw-rw----" (there should only be four dashes instead of six).
Page 232, Listing 8.4:
This error hasn't been corrected in any version.
The command needs to include a double dash to prevent kubectl from interpreting the options for ls. The full command should read:
kubectl exec downward -- ls -lL /etc/downward