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JDK 11 Documentation - Java Core Libraries Developer Guide PDF 下载
Java Core Libraries
The core libraries consist of classes which are used by many portions of the JDK.
They include functionality which is close to the VM and is not explicitly included in
other areas, such as security. Here you will find current information that will help you
use some of the core libraries.
Topics in this Guide
• Serialization Filtering
• Enhanced Deprecation
• XML Catalog API
• Creating Unmodifiable Lists, Sets, and Maps
• Process API
• Preferences API
• Java Logging Overview
Other Core Libraries Guides
• Internationalization Overview in Java Platform, Standard Edition
Internationalization Guide
Security Related Topics
• Serialization Filtering
• RMI:
– RMI Security Recommendations in Java Platform, Standard Edition Java
Remote Method Invocation User's Guide
– Using Custom Socket Factories with Java RMI in the Java Tutorials
– JAXP Processing Limits in the Java Tutorials
– External Access Restriction Properties in the Java Tutorials
Serialization Filtering
You can use the Java serialization filtering mechanism to help prevent deserialization
vulnerabilities. You can define pattern-based filters or you can create custom filters.
• Addressing Deserialization Vulnerabilities
• Java Serialization Filters
• Whitelists and Blacklists
• Creating Pattern-Based Filters
• Creating Custom Filters
• Built-in Filters
• Logging Filter Actions
Addressing Deserialization Vulnerabilities
An application that accepts untrusted data and deserializes it is vulnerable to attacks.
You can create filters to screen incoming streams of serialized objects before they are
An object is serialized when its state is converted to a byte stream. That stream can be
sent to a file, to a database, or over a network. A Java object is serializable if its class
or any of its superclasses implements either the java.io.Serializable interface
or the java.io.Externalizable subinterface. In the JDK, serialization is used in
many areas, including Remote Method Invocation (RMI), custom RMI for interprocess
communication (IPC) protocols (such as the Spring HTTP invoker), Java Management
Extensions (JMX), and Java Messaging Service (JMS).
An object is deserialized when its serialized form is converted to a copy of the object. It
is important to ensure the security of this conversion. Deserialization is code
execution, because the readObject method of the class that is being deserialized
can contain custom code. Serializable classes, also known as "gadget classes", can
do arbitrary reflective actions such as create classes and invoke methods on them. If
your application deserializes these classes, they can cause a denial of service or
remote code execution.
When you create a filter, you can specify which classes are acceptable to an
application, and which should be rejected. You can control the object graph size and
complexity during deserialization so that the object graph doesn’t exceed reasonable
limits. Filters can be configured as properties, or implemented programmatically.
Besides creating filters, you can take the following actions to help prevent
deserialization vulnerabilities:
• Do not deserialized untrusted data.
• Use SSL to encrypt and authenticate the connections between applications.
• Validate field values before assignment, including checking object invariants by
using the readObject method.
Built-in filters are provided for RMI. However, you should use these built-in
filters as starting points only. Configure blacklists and/or extend the whitelist
to add additional protection for your application that uses RMI. See Built-in
For more information about these and other strategies, see "Serialization and
Deserialization" in Secure Coding Guidelines for Java SE.
Java Serialization Filters
The Java serialization filtering mechanism screens incoming streams of serialized
objects to help improve security and robustness. Filters can validate incoming classes
before they are deserialized.
As stated in JEP 290, the goals of the Java serialization filtering mechanism are to:
• Provide a way to narrow the classes that can be deserialized down to a contextappropriate set of classes.
• Provide metrics to the filter for graph size and complexity during deserialization to
validate normal graph behaviors.
• Allow RMI-exported objects to validate the classes expected in invocations.
You can implement serialization filters in the following ways:
• Pattern-based filters do not require you to modify your application. They consist of
a sequence of patterns that are defined in properties, in a configuration file or on
the command line. Pattern-based filters can accept or reject specific classes,
packages, or modules. They can place limits on array sizes, graph depth, total
references, and stream size. A typical use case is to blacklist classes that have
been identified as potentially compromising the Java runtime. Pattern-based filters
are defined for one application or all applications in a process.
• Custom filters are implemented using the ObjectInputFilter API. They allow
an application to integrate finer control than pattern-based filters, because they
can be specific to each ObjectInputStream. Custom filters are set on an
individual input stream or on all streams in a process.
The filter mechanism is called for each new object in the stream. If more than one
active filter (process-wide filter, application filter, or stream-specific filter) exists, only
the most specific filter is called.
In most cases, a custom filter should check if a process-wide filter is set. If one exists,
the custom filter should invoke it and use the process-wide filter’s result, unless the
status is UNDECIDED.
Support for serialization filters is included starting with JDK 9, and in Java CPU
releases starting with 8u121, 7u131, and 6u141.