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Learn Azure in a Month of Lunches PDF 下载

时间:2020-07-20 09:24来源: 作者:小锋  侵权举报
Learn Azure in a Month of Lunches PDF 下载
Learn Azure in a Month of Lunches PDF 下载


¡ Part 2 dives into how to provide high availability and redundancy: templates, 
availability sets and zones, load balancers, autoscaling, distributed databases, 
and traffic routing. By the end of chapter 12, you should have a solid knowledge 
of how to build high-performance distributed applications in Azure.
¡ Part 3 covers security aspects such as backup and recovery, encryption, digital key 
management, and updates. By the time you’ve completed chapter 16, you’ll be 
well on the way to creating secure, stable applications in Azure.
¡ To finish the book, part 4 introduces a little fun, exploring new areas of comput￾ing such as serverless computing and container-based applications. These chap￾ters introduce areas of Azure that give you a glimpse of what the future of 
production applications could look like.
Except in part 4 (which is aptly named “The cool stuff”), you should try to work 
through the book’s chapters in order. You won’t work on the same project over succes￾sive chapters, but each chapter builds on earlier theory and hands-on lab examples.
Chapter 1 guides you through creating a free trial account in Azure, which is 
enough to complete the hands-on lab exercises in each chapter. I also provide a little
more background on Azure and how to find additional help along the way. I mention 
this web page a few times in the book (maybe I’m a little biased!), but http://docs. is the best place to go for additional documentation and sup￾port on any areas of Azure that interest you.
About the examples and source code
This book contains many examples of source code, both in numbered listings and in￾line with normal text. In both cases, source code is formatted in a fixed-width font 
like this to separate it from ordinary text.
In many cases, the original source code has been reformatted, with line breaks and 
reworked indentation added to accommodate the available page space in the book. In 
rare cases, even this was not enough, and listings include line-continuation markers 
(➥). Additionally, comments in the source code are removed from the listings when 
the code is described in the text. Code annotations accompany many of the listings, 
highlighting important concepts.
This book’s source code, along with accompanying scripts, templates, and support￾ing resources, is available at￾month-of-lunches-second-edition and at the book’s GitHub repo (https://github.
All the hands-on exercises can be completed in the Azure portal and with Azure 
Cloud Shell, a browser-based interactive shell for both the Azure CLI and Azure Power￾Shell. There are no tools to install on your machine, and you can use any computer and 
OS you wish, provided that it supports a modern web browser.
The Azure portal often implements minor changes. Part of the challenge of using 
any cloud service is that things may be a little different than they were the day before.
about this book
This second edition of the book tries to minimize the number of portal screenshots, 
but don’t worry if what you see is still a little different from what’s shown in the book. 
The required parameters are usually the same; the layout may just be different. If there 
are new options in the portal that I don’t specifically call out in an exercise or lab, it’s 
usually safe to accept the defaults that are provided.
If you work outside Azure Cloud Shell, take care with the command examples. 
Windows-based shells such as PowerShell and CMD treat line breaks and continua￾tions differently from *nix-based shells such as Azure Cloud Shell. Many of the com￾mand examples run across multiple lines. Commands are shown with a backslash (\) 
character to indicate that the command continues on the next line, as in the following 
az resource group create \
--name azuremol \
--location eastus
You don’t have to type those backslash characters, but doing so may make long com￾mands more readable on your screen. If you choose to work locally on your computer 
with a Windows shell, you can use a backtick (`) instead of a backslash. In a Power￾Shell or CMD shell with Python for Windows installed, for example, change the previ￾ous command as follows:
az resource group create `
--name azuremol `
--location eastus
This convention may seem to be confusing at first, but I follow it in the book because 
the official documentation at uses this format. 
Azure CLI commands, which are mostly used in this book, assume a *nix-based shell 
and therefore use a backslash character. Azure PowerShell commands assume a Win￾dowsbased shell and so use a backtick. This difference in behavior will make sense 
quickly, and you’ll find that it’s easy to transition between shells. If you’re new to work￾ing across platforms, this difference can be a fun little gotcha!
I recommend that you check out the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) if you run 
Windows 10 and want to dive into the Azure CLI and *nix-based systems in gen￾eral; you can find details at WSL, and the 
latest improvements in WSL2 give you a native Linux kernel experience while run￾ning Windows. Don’t try to wrap your head around that idea too much! Just know that 
you can run native Linux commands and applications without worrying about differ￾ent line breaks or variable definitions. To really blow your mind, PowerShell is avail￾able for .NET Core, which also runs on Linux. You can run PowerShell on Linux while 
in Windows.
liveBook discussion forum
Purchase of Learn Azure in a Month of Lunches includes free access to a web forum run 
by Manning Publications where you can make comments about the book, ask technical
about this book
questions, and receive help from the author and from other users. To access the 
forum, go to You can also learn more about Manning’s forums and the 
rules of conduct at
Manning’s commitment to our readers is to provide a venue where a meaningful 
dialogue between individual readers and between readers and the author can take 
place. It is not a commitment to any specific amount of participation on the part of 
the author, whose contribution to the forum remains voluntary (and unpaid). We suggest that you try asking him some challenging questions, lest his interest stray! The 
forum and the archives of previous discussions will be accessible from the publisher’s 
website as long as the book is in print.





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