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对于Raft的四个修改优化论文 PDF 下载
1. Background In my work at MongoDB, I've been involved in a team that is adapting our replication protocol to conform to the principles set out in the academic paper that describes the Raft algorithm(Ongaro, 2014). Breaking with the academia's long standing obsession with Paxos, of which I'm yet to hear about a robust real world and open source implementation, Raft describes a simple, easy to understand leader based consensus algorithm. (In the vocabulary used outside of academia, Raft describes a singlemaster, synchronous replication protocol using majority elections.) Hence, while my original interest in Raft is purely work related, clearly it is meaningful to consider Raft itself as a valuable contribution to the brittle art of making databases highly available. As such, this paper is written purely within the context of Raft itself, without any reference to the replication implementation in MongoDB, and ignoring the multitude of differences that a MongoDB implementation will have compared to Raft. (One of which is MongoDB being pull based, while Raft is a push based algorithm.) This is the second version of this paper and supersedes its predecessor from a month ago, which was called "Three modifications for Raft consensus". This version adds an explicit cluster initialization step, hence making it four modifications. Adding the cluster initialization as an explicit part of the algorithm, makes the description of the database id more straightforward. As part of simplifying the creation of the database id, this paper no longer proposes the option to automatically delete old data from a server this was seen as a an unsafe operation by several reviewers of the first version and therefore became cause for much unnecessary confusion . For 1 the benefit of those who already read the previous version, the new and changed parts of this paper are colored dark red. I would like to particularly thank Oren Eini for his thorough review of the first version of this paper and for proposing to codify the cluster initialization to a more explicit part of the algorithm. 1 https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/raftdev/2OGYyUmjRFY © 2015 by MongoDB Inc. © 2014 by Diego Andres Ongaro. (RPC call tables) This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution3.0 License. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ 1
2. Introduction The major contribution of the Raft authors has clearly been to finally introduce an easy to understand, easy to implement protocol for distributed consensus. While more complicated protocols may offer additional value in terms of feature set such as supporting a multimaster scheme it is a valuable resource for the community of distributed databases to at least have a robust alternative for the most basic kind of replication, leader based consensus. Somewhat surprisingly, the level of elegance achieved by Raft has not been clearly documented previously, let alone provided with proofs of correctness. The closest, and compared to Paxos rather useful, cousin to Raft would be the family of ViewStamped replication algorithms(Oki & Liskov, 1988), however Raft significantly simplifies compared to ViewStamped replication. It is common for academic papers to focus mostly on the core replication of events themselves, and the closely related mechanism of electing a leader or determining a quorum. On the other hand they commonly neglect important surrounding topics, such as cluster maintenance activities or "environmental corner cases", that in the real world are equally important ingredients in creating a complete solution for a highly available database. Also the Raft algorithm has evolved in similar fashion. This is evident when following the succession of published papers from the original Usenix 2014 paper(Ongaro & Ousterhout, Usenix 2014) to the extended version of the same paper(Ongaro & Ousterhout, 2014) to the thesis by Diego Ongaro published later in 2014(Ongaro, 2014). For example, the original Usenix paper did not include any mention of snapshotting the state machine, rather simply describes an indefinitely growing log of events clearly not realistic for most real world systems that might implement Raft, including the authors' own Ramcloud database. The extended version then added a discussion on snapshotting, including an InstallSnapshot RPC for sending the snapshot to followers when needed. Similarly the original Usenix paper does include a discussion on cluster membership changes, but it is obvious even to the casual reader that this part of the paper did not receive the same amount of thought that went into the core of the algorithm, and certainly does not achieve the simplicity goal the authors had set themselves. Ultimately the cluster membership change protocol ends up in the curious state where members of the cluster are receiving (and accepting!) events from a leader that's not even part of the current cluster. The Ongaro thesis then replaces that complexity with 2 very simple RPCs to add and remove servers one at a time. And as is often the case, the simpler algorithm also turns out to be more robust than the complex one! In the same spirit of evolving from a core protocol to a more complete and realistic implementation, the goal of this paper is to introduce 4 modifications to Raft, that are relevant to realworld distributed databases: 2
1. Cluster initialization: A cluster initialization step that is the starting point of the lifecycle of the cluster. Having this step explicitly described makes it more straightforward to describe also the database id, and their relation to AddServer RPC. 2. Universally Unique Database Identifier: to identify whether a snapshot or a log on one server is in fact some (predecessor or successor) state of the same state machine on other servers of the cluster, or whether it's a snapshot of some completely different state machine that has nothing to do with this cluster. 3. Prevote algorithm: this paper provides a more detailed specification of the idea suggested only in passing in §9.6 in (Ongaro, 2014) 4. Leader stickiness: Building on the prevote algorithm, we also modify Raft to reject servers that attempt to elect themselves as leader, if the current leader appears to still be healthy to the rest of the cluster. This is to avoid flipflopping between two competing leaders. The proposed modifications in this paper are written against the most recent publication of Raft, Diego Ongaro's thesis paper(Ongaro, 2014), which the reader is assumed to be familiar with. The tables summarizing the algorithm have been reproduced on the next few pages. The additions of this paper are highlighted in blue.