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Beginning Python:Using Python 2.6 and Python 3.1 PDF 下载
How This Book Is Structured
As might be expected from a “Beginning” book, the book begins with an introduction to the language.
From there, you’ll move through the core of the language, then move on to more advanced and
specialized topics. The book is divided up into four parts.
Part I — Dipping Your Toe into Python
The first part will allow you to, as the title suggests, dip your toe in.
Programming Basics and Strings
First you’ll be introduced to Python. This chapter will explore what Python is, and why it is so useful
and powerful. Also explored will be Python’s history from its early development to the newest version,
which is the focus of this book. You’ll also learn about the scope of Python’s reach, and all the different
areas of application development in which Python plays a part. Finally, you’ll learn to work with your
first data type — strings.
Numbers and Operators
This chapter will guide you through the basics of working with numbers and operators. You will learn
the different types of numbers, how to perform simple — and complex — equations, and work with the
various operators. You will also learn about order of precedence and formatting numbers.
Variables — Names for Values
Ultimately, programming languages help you to manage different types of information — in other
words, data. An understanding of data types and how they are represented in Python is essential to
programming in Python. This chapter will help you to understand the best ways to represent different
data types in Python.
Part II — Python Language and the Standard Library
Of course, the core piece of knowledge you need to use a language is to know the language itself, and
familiarize yourself with its syntax and modules. This part will start small, with data types and
variables, and gradually introduce additional concepts until you have all the information you need to
develop fully functional Python programs.
You’ll want to read through these chapters sequentially –– each chapter builds on the information
presented in the previous chapter.
Making Decisions
Ultimately, there will come a point when your program must make a decision — do I take this path or
that path? And what happens when I take that path? In this chapter, you will learn how to compare data,
such as deciding if one value is greater than another, and use repetition to repeat repetitive tasks.