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CherryPy Essentials - Rapid Python Web Application Development PDF 下载

时间:2020-09-11 09:33来源: 作者:小锋  侵权举报
CherryPy Essentials - Rapid Python Web Application Development PDF 下载
CherryPy Essentials - Rapid Python Web Application Development PDF 下载


The use of the World Wide Web has grown exponentially, and has become a key 
component of the way we live today. From the developer's point of view, the 
Web offers great opportunities and good fun. However, the growing number of 
technologies oriented towards the Web is overwhelming, and it can be difficult to 
decide which one to use. The goal of this book is to present one of these, CherryPy, a 
Python web-application library.
This chapter will introduce CherryPy's features and strengths, beginning with a 
summary of CherryPy's history, then looking at its friendly community, which has 
long been an important piece of the project's success, and finally reviewing key 
principles behind the evolution of CherryPy.
CherryPy is a Python library providing a friendly interface to the HTTP protocol for 
Python developers. HTTP is the backbone of the World Wide Web. Web applications 
have grown exponentially in the last few years. This explosion was followed by a 
large number of toolkits, libraries, and frameworks released in various programming 
languages to help web developers in their task. Ultimately all of these aim at making 
a web developer's life much easier. In this context CherryPy has started using 
Python's strengths as a dynamic language to model and bind the HTTP protocol into 
a API that follows Python idioms.
The Python community has grown a large number of web libraries and frameworks 
over the years to the point where it has become some kind of a joke as much as a 
worry. Even though only a handful of them have attracted most of the community, 
(TurboGears, Django, or Zope) each existing library or framework has kept its niche 
influence by providing its own view on how to interface Python with HTTP and the 
Web in general. CherryPy was born because at that time Remi Delon, its creator, 
could not find what he wanted in the existing choices. Over the years, the design of 
Introduction to CherryPy
CherryPy has been tuned by new developers who liked its strengths and joined in. 
Today the project has a strong community base that uses it on a daily basis in many 
different contexts.
History of CherryPy
Remi Delon released the first version of CherryPy in late June 2002. This was the 
starting point of a successful Python web library. Remi is a French hacker who 
has trusted Python for being ultimately one of the greatest alternatives for web 
application development.
The project attracted a number of developers who were interested in the approach 
taken by Remi:
• CherryPy classes were an extension to Python to support the separation 
of concern between the data and the presentation. It was close to the 
model-view-controller pattern.
• A CherryPy class has to be processed and compiled by the CherryPy engine 
to produce a self-contained Python module embedding the complete 
application as well as its own built-in web server.
CherryPy would map a URL and its query string into a Python method call, 
for example: would map to 
During the following two years, the project was supported by the community and 
Remi released several improved versions.
In June 2004, a discussion started about the future of the project and whether it 
should continue with the same architecture. One of the main concerns was the 
compilation step, which did not feel natural to Python developers. Brainstorming 
and discussion by several project regulars then led to the concept of object￾publishing engine and filters, which soon became a core ingredient of CherryPy 2.
Eventually, in October 2004, the first version of CherryPy 2 alpha was released as 
a proof of concept of these core ideas. Then followed six months of intense work to 
release a stable version (late April 2005). Soon other developers joined the project 
to improve it. CherryPy 2.0 was a real success; however, it was recognized that its 
design could still be improved, and needed refactoring.
After further community feedback/discussions, CherryPy's API was further 
modified to improve its elegance, leading to the release of CherryPy 2.1.0 in October 
2005. This version was shipped by the popular TurboGears project—itself a stack 
of projects to produce a web mega-framework. The team released CherryPy 2.2.0 in 
April 2006.
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Chapter 1
CherryPy's presence as a core ingredient in the increasingly widely adopted 
TurboGears stack naturally meant that more and more issues were raised about 
some aspects of CherryPy. For example, its WSGI support, the lack of up-to-date 
documentation, or its only-average performance. It was clear that to meet these real 
and important requirements, it would be extremely difficult to extend CherryPy 2 
without breaking backward-compatibility constraints. As a result, the decision was 
finally made to move towards CherryPy 3, which was released at the end of 2006.
The Community
CherryPy would not be where it stands without the community built over the last 
few years. Remi has always been clear about the fact that he does not want CherryPy 
to be his pet project, but rather to be a community one.
CherryPy has always had its followers, but the CherryPy community actually started 
with version 2.0 of the product. In November 2004, an IRC channel was registered on 
the Open and Free Technology Community (OFTC) network to allow developers 
and users to quickly exchange ideas or to report defects. The channel gradually 
attracted more and more regulars and was generally recognized to be a very friendly 
place. In addition to the IRC channel, mailing-lists were created for developers and 
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Introduction to CherryPy
users. Eventually a feed aggregation of blog entries of regular CherryPy users was 
published and has been available since then at
CherryPy Project Strengths • Simplicity: One of the main goals has always been to keep CherryPy as 
simple as possible with the aim of avoiding the library to over engineering 
the project. Thanks to the narrow scope covered by the library, the developers 
have been able to concentrate on the API and community feedback.
• Self-contained: From the very beginning, Remi decided that the core of 
CherryPy would not require any third-party Python packages to work and 
would rely purely on the Python standard library.
• Not intrusive: Another critical aspect of the library the developers have long 
cared about was to make sure that CherryPy would stay as much as possible 
out of the way of its users. The idea was to provide a set of tools to any 
developer making no assumptions about the way in which he or she may 
choose to use them. 
• Open to discussion: The developer team has always listened to the feedback 
given by the community. This does not mean that every request has been 
adopted, but almost all have been discussed and reviewed.





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