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Expert_Python_Programming PDF 下载

时间:2020-09-14 10:22来源: 作者:小锋  侵权举报
Expert_Python_Programming PDF 下载
Expert_Python_Programming  PDF 下载


Python rocks!
From the earliest version in the late 1980s to the current version, it has evolved with 
the same philosophy: providing a multi-paradigm programming language with 
readability and productivity in mind.
People used to see Python as yet another scripting language and wouldn't feel right 
about using it to build large systems. But through the years and thanks to some 
pioneer companies, it became obvious that Python could be used to build almost any 
kind of a system.
In fact, many developers that come from another language are charmed by Python 
and make it their first choice.
This is something you are probably aware of if you have bought this book, so there's 
no need to convince you about the merits of the language any further.
This book was written to express many years of experience in building all kinds of 
applications with Python, from small system scripts done in a couple of hours to 
very large applications written by dozens of developers over several years.
It describes the best practices used by developers to work with Python. 
The first title that came up was Python Best Practices but it eventually became Expert 
Python Programming because it covers some topics that are not focused on the 
language itself but rather on the tools and techniques used to work with it.
In other words this book describes how an advanced Python developer works 
every day.
What This Book Covers
Chapter 1 explains how to install Python and makes sure all readers have the closest, 
standardized environment. I almost removed this chapter since the book is not 
intended for beginners. But it was kept because there are definitely some experienced 
Python programmers out there who are not aware of some of the things presented. 
If you are, don't feel frustrated about it, as the rest of the book will probably meet 
your needs.
Chapter 2 is about syntax best practices, below the class level. It presents iterators, 
generators, descriptors, and so on, in an advanced way.
Chapter 3 is also about syntax best practices, but focuses above the class level.
Chapter 4 is about choosing good names. It is an extension to PEP 8 with naming best 
practices, but also gives tips on designing good APIs.
Chapter 5 explains how to write a package and how to use code templates and then 
focuses on how to release and distribute your code.
Chapter 6 extends Chapter 5 by describing how a full application can be written. It 
demonstrates it through a small case study called Atomisator.
Chapter 7 is about zc.buildout, a system for managing a development environment 
and releasing applications, which is widely used in the Zope and Plone community 
and is now used outside the Zope world.
Chapter 8 gives some insight on how a project code base can be managed and 
explains how to set up continuous integration.
Chapter 9 presents how to manage software life cycle through an iterative and 
incremental approach.
Chapter 10 is about documentation and gives tips on technical writing and how 
Python projects should be documented.
Chapter 11 explains Test-Driven Development and the tools that can be used to do it.
Chapter 12 is about optimization. It gives profiling techniques and an optimization 
strategy guideline. 
Chapter 13 extends Chapter 12 by providing some solutions to speed up 
your programs.
Chapter 14 ends the book with a set of useful design patterns.





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