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The disillusionment with EJBs
This book isn’t a screed about why you shouldn’t use “traditional” Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE) architecture and design. It is sometimes the best tool for the
job, and later on in this book I describe when you should use it. However, today
many developers use it for applications for which it is ill suited. Let’s briefly review
the history of EJBs and discover why the Java development community’s initial
enthusiasm for them has turned into disillusionment. After that, I will describe an
alternative approach to designing an enterprise Java application that uses POJOs.
1.1.1 A brief history of EJBs
EJB is the Java standard architecture for writing distributed business applications.
It’s a framework that provides a large number of useful services and handles some
of the most time-consuming aspects of writing distributed applications. For example, EJB provides declarative transactions, which eliminate the need to write transaction management code. The EJB container automatically starts, commits, and
rolls back transactions on behalf of the application. Automatically handling transactions was a huge innovation at the time and is still a vital service. In addition,
business logic implemented using EJBs can participate in distributed transactions
that are started by a remote client. EJBs also provide declarative security, which
mostly eliminates the need to write security code, which is another common
requirement handled by the application server. Entries in the bean’s deployment
descriptor specified who could access a particular bean.
EJB version 1.0 was released in 1998. It provided two types of enterprise beans:
session beans and entity beans. Session beans represent either stateless services or
a stateful conversation with a client. Entity beans represent data in a database and
were originally intended to implement business objects. EJB 1.0 fulfilled its
mandate by insulating the application developer from the complexities of
building distributed enterprise systems. EJB 2 refined the EJB programming
model. It added message-driven beans (which process Java Message Service, or
JMS, messages) as well as enhanced entity beans to support relationships managed
Developing with POJOs: faster and easier
by the container. The evolution continues in EJB 3 (described later in this
chapter), which simplifies the programming model considerably by enabling
POJOs to be EJBs.
1.1.2 A typical EJB 2 application architecture
Let’s look at an example of a typical EJB 2 application architecture. Imagine that
you work for a bank and you have to write a service to transfer money between two
accounts. Figure 1.1 shows how you might use EJB to implement the money transfer service.
The business logic consists of the TransferService EJB and data access objects
(DAOs). The TransferService EJB is a session bean that defines the interface that
the business logic exposes to the presentation tier. It also implements the business logic.
The TransferService EJB calls the AccountDAO to retrieve the two accounts, and
performs any necessary checks and other business logic. For example, it verifies
that fromAccount contains sufficient funds and will not become overdrawn. The
TransferService EJB calls AccountDAO again to save the updated accounts in the
database. It records the transfer by calling TransactionDAO. The TransferService