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1 Package matplotlib
This is a matlab(TM) style functional interface the matplotlib.
The following matlab(TM) compatible commands are provided by
>>> from pylab import *
Plotting commands
axes - Create a new axes
axhline - draw a horizontal line across axes
axvline - draw a vertical line across axes
axhspan - draw a horizontal bar across axes
axvspan - draw a vertical bar across axes
axis - Set or return the current axis limits
bar - make a bar chart
barh - a horizontal bar chart
boxplot - make a box and whisker plot
cla - clear current axes
clf - clear a figure window
close - close a figure window
colorbar - add a colorbar to the current figure
cohere - make a plot of coherence
contour - make a contour plot
csd - make a plot of cross spectral density
draw - Force a redraw of the current figure
errorbar - make an errorbar graph
figlegend - make legend on the figure rather than the axes
figimage - make a figure image
figtext - add text in figure coords
figure - create or change active figure
fill - make filled polygons
gca - return the current axes
gcf - return the current figure
gci - get the current image, or None
get - get a handle graphics property
gray - set the current colormap to gray
jet - set the current colormap to jet
hist - make a histogram
hold - set the axes hold state
legend - make an axes legend
loglog - a log log plot
imread - load image file into array
imshow - plot image data
pcolor - make a pseudocolor plot
plot - make a line plot
psd - make a plot of power spectral density
Package matplotlib
rc - control the default params
savefig - save the current figure
scatter - make a scatter plot
set - set a handle graphics property
semilogx - log x axis
semilogy - log y axis
show - show the figures
specgram - a spectrogram plot
stem - make a stem plot
subplot - make a subplot (numrows, numcols, axesnum)
table - add a table to the plot
text - add some text at location x,y to the current axes
title - add a title to the current axes
xlim - set/get the xlimits
ylim - set/get the ylimits
xticks - set/get the xticks
yticks - set/get the yticks
xlabel - add an xlabel to the current axes
ylabel - add a ylabel to the current axes
Matrix commands
cumprod - the cumulative product along a dimension
cumsum - the cumulative sum along a dimension
detrend - remove the mean or besdt fit line from an array
diag - the k-th diagonal of matrix
diff - the n-th differnce of an array
eig - the eigenvalues and eigen vectors of v
eye - a matrix where the k-th diagonal is ones, else zero
find - return the indices where a condition is nonzero
fliplr - flip the rows of a matrix up/down
flipud - flip the columns of a matrix left/right
linspace - a linear spaced vector of N values from min to max inclusive
ones - an array of ones
rand - an array from the uniform distribution [0,1]
randn - an array from the normal distribution
rot90 - rotate matrix k*90 degress counterclockwise
squeeze - squeeze an array removing any dimensions of length 1
tri - a triangular matrix
tril - a lower triangular matrix
triu - an upper triangular matrix
vander - the Vandermonde matrix of vector x
svd - singular value decomposition
zeros - a matrix of zeros
levypdf - The levy probability density function from the char. func.