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1.1 The Vision For Twisted
Many other documents in this repository are dedicated to defining what Twisted is. Here, I will attempt to explain not
what Twisted is, but what it should be, once I’ve met my goals with it.
First, Twisted should be fun. It began as a game, it is being used commercially in games, and it will be, I hope, an
interactive and entertaining experience for the end-user.
Twisted is a platform for developing internet applications. While python, by itself, is a very powerful language,
there are many facilities it lacks which other languages have spent great attention to adding. It can do this now;
Twisted is a good (if somewhat idiosyncratic) pure-python framework or library, depending on how you treat it, and it
continues to improve.
As a platform, Twisted should be focused on integration. Ideally, all functionality will be accessible through
all protocols. Failing that, all functionality should be configurable through at least one protocol, with a seamless
and consistent user-interface. The next phase of development will be focusing strongly on a configuration system
which will unify many disparate pieces of the current infrastructure, and allow them to be tacked together by a nonprogrammer.
1.2 High-Level Overview of Twisted
1.3 Asynchronous Programming with Twisted
This document is a introduction to the asynchronous programming model, and to Twisted’s Deferred abstraction,
which symbolises a ’promised’ result and which can pass an eventual result to handler functions.
This document is for readers new to Twisted who are familiar with the Python programming language and, at
least conceptually, with core networking conepts such as servers, clients and sockets. This document will give you
a high level overview of concurrent programming (interleaving several tasks) and of Twisted’s concurrency model:
non-blocking code or asynchronous code.
After discussing the concurrency model of which Deferreds are a part, it will introduce the methods of handling
results when a function returns a Deferred object.
1.3.1 Introduction to concurrent programming
Many computing tasks take some time to complete, and there are two reasons why a task might take some time:
1. it is computationally intensive (for example factorising large numbers) and requires a certain amount of CPU
time to calculate the answer; or
2. it is not computationally intensive but has to wait for data to be available to produce a result.
Waiting for answers
A fundamental feature of network programming is that of waiting for data. Imagine you have a function which sends
an email summarising some information. This function needs to connect to a remote server, wait for the remote server
to reply, check that the remote server can process the email, wait for the reply, send the email, wait for the confirmation,
and then disconnect.
Any one of these steps may take a long period of time. Your program might use the simplest of all possible models,
in which it actually sits and waits for data to be sent and received, but in this case it has some very obvious and basic
limitations: it can’t send many emails at once; and in fact it can’t do anything else while it is sending an email.
Hence, all but the simplest network programs avoid this model. You can use one of several different models to
allow your program to keep doing whatever tasks it has on hand while it is waiting for something to happen before a
particular task can continue.
Not waiting on data
There are many ways to write network programs. The main ones are:
1. handle each connection in a separate operating system process, in which case the operating system will take care
of letting other processes run while one is waiting;
2. handle each connection in a separate thread1
in which the threading framework takes care of letting other threads
run while one is waiting; or
3. use non-blocking system calls to handle all connections in one thread.
Non-blocking calls
The normal model when using the Twisted framework is the third model: non-blocking calls.
When dealing with many connections in one thread, the scheduling is the responsibility of the application, not the
operating system, and is usually implemented by calling a registered function when each connection is ready to for
reading or writing – commonly known as asynchronous, event-driven or callback-based programming.
In this model, the earlier email sending function would work something like this:
1. it calls a connection function to connect to the remote server;
2. the connection function returns immediately, with the implication that the notify the email sending library will
be called when the connect has been made; and
3. once the connection is made, the connect mechanism notifies the email sending function that the connection is
What advantage does the above sequence have over our original blocking sequence? The advantage is that while
the email sending function can’t do the next part of its job until the connection is open, the rest of the program can do
other tasks, like begin the opening sequence for other email connections. Hence, the entire program is not waiting for
the connection.
The typical asynchronous model for alerting an application that some data is ready for it is known as a callback. The
application calls a function to request some data, and in this call, it also passes a callback function that should be called
when the data is ready with the data as an argument. The callback function should therefore perform whatever tasks it
was that the application needed that data for.
In synchonous programming, a function requests data, waits for the data, and then processes it. In asynchronous
programming, a function requests the data, and lets the library call the callback function when the data is ready.
1.3.2 Deferreds
Twisted uses the Deferred object to manage the callback sequence. The client application attaches a series of
functions to the deferred to be called in order when the results of the asychronous request are available (this series of
functions is known as a series of callbacks, or a callback chain), together with a series of functions to be called if there
is an error in the asychronous request (known as a series of errbacks or an errback chain). The asychronous library
code calls the first callback when the result is available, or the first errback when an error occurs, and the Deferred
object then hands the results of each callback or errback function to the next function in the chain.