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For this assignment, implement the Sieve of Eratosthenes using a pool of
processes in Python, use test runs to see how quickly the program runs under
different combinations of parameters, and write a short description of your
results along with possible explanations for why the results came out that way.
The Sieve of Eratosthenes
The sieve is a simple way to find prime numbers that involves taking a list
of integers and throwing away ones that are multiples. We start with an array
sieve with sieve[0] and sieve[1] false and sieve[2..n-1] all true (where n is
the length of the sieve). For each k = 2, 3, …, n/2, set sieve[m*k] false for all m ≥ 2 (and m*k < n, of course). When you’re done, sieve[p] is true iff p is prime.
Calculate a list of those p; that’s the list of primes < n.
For the python version of the program, write a python3 program that declares a
sieve array as a global variable and initializes it using
multiprocessing.sharedctypes.RawArray (see the discussion below).
The main() routine should run the sieve algorithm, return a list of prime numbers,
and print out the time it took to calculate the sieve, in ms.
The main() routine should have keyword arguments poolsize (for the
pool size to use) and chunksize (see below). To explain the chunk size,
imagine a do_sieve(k) routine that removes all multiples of k from the sieve (but
if k ≤ 1, it just removes k). To process the sieve, we’d need to run do_sieve on k
= 0, 1, …, size of sieve - 1. Now imagine extending this routine to take k and
chunksize and having it remove all multiples of k, k+1, k+2, …,
k+chunksize-1. To process the entire sieve, we will run this routine with
starting k values of 0, chunksize, 2*chunksize, and so on. These runs will be
in parallel. A chunksize of 1 creates as many processes as possible to process
the sieve; a
chunksize equal to the sieve size is a sequentially-running sieve.
Using Shared Ctype Data
The matrix multiplication routine from lecture doesn’t have to share the
results of the parallel computations between different processes. The top-level
routine runs the parallel routines and collects the results.
For the sieve algorithm, we do have to share the sieve array among all the
parallel sieving calls, since the final sieve array is the result of striking out all
multiples of 2 and all multiples of 3 and so on. For the processes to share the
sieve array, it must be global, as in the matrix multiplication program, but the we
need multiprocessing.sharedctypes.RawArray to create the array. If
you read the Python documentation on this class (and obviously, you should),
you’ll find that the values produced by this class are shared across processes.
The smallest unit of array data you can use are signed and unsigned characters.
You’ll need to pick one of these types and decide on values you want to use to
represent true and false