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Ensemble Machine Learning Methods and Applications PDF 下载

时间:2020-10-04 10:02来源: 作者:转载  侵权举报
Ensemble Machine Learning Methods and Applications PDF 下载
Ensemble Machine Learning Methods and Applications PDF 下载


1.1 Introduction
Over the last couple of decades, multiple classifier systems, also called ensemble
systems have enjoyed growing attention within the computational intelligence and
machine learning community. This attention has been well deserved, as ensemble
systems have proven themselves to be very effective and extremely versatile in
a broad spectrum of problem domains and real-world applications. Originally
developed to reduce the variance—thereby improving the accuracy—of an auto￾mated decision-making system, ensemble systems have since been successfully
used to address a variety of machine learning problems, such as feature selection,
confidence estimation, missing feature, incremental learning, error correction, class￾imbalanced data, learning concept drift from nonstationary distributions, among
others. This chapter provides an overview of ensemble systems, their properties,
and how they can be applied to such a wide spectrum of applications.
Truth be told, machine learning and computational intelligence researchers have
been rather late in discovering the ensemble-based systems, and the benefits offered
by such systems in decision making. While there is now a significant body of
knowledge and literature on ensemble systems as a result of a couple of decades
of intensive research, ensemble-based decision making has in fact been around
and part of our daily lives perhaps as long as the civilized communities existed.
You see, ensemble-based decision making is nothing new to us; as humans, we
use such systems in our daily lives so often that it is perhaps second nature to us.
Examples are many: the essence of democracy where a group of people vote to
make a decision, whether to choose an elected official or to decide on a new law,
is in fact based on ensemble-based decision making. The judicial system in many
countries, whether based on a jury of peers or a panel of judges, is also based on
R. Polikar ()
Rowan University, Glassboro, NJ 08028, USA
C. Zhang and Y. Ma (eds.), Ensemble Machine Learning: Methods and Applications,
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4419-9326-7 1, © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012
2 R. Polikar
ensemble-based decision making. Perhaps more practically, whenever we are faced
with making a decision that has some important consequence, we often seek the
opinions of different “experts” to help us make that decision; consulting with several
doctors before agreeing to a major medical operation, reading user reviews before
purchasing an item, calling references before hiring a potential job applicant, even
peer review of this article prior to publication, are all examples of ensemble-based
decision making. In the context of this discussion, we will loosely use the terms
expert, classifier, hypothesis, and decision interchangeably.
While the original goal for using ensemble systems is in fact similar to the reason
we use such mechanisms in our daily lives—that is, to improve our confidence that
we are making the right decision, by weighing various opinions, and combining
them through some thought process to reach a final decision—there are many
other machine-learning specific applications of ensemble systems. These include
confidence estimation, feature selection, addressing missing features, incremental
learning from sequential data, data fusion of heterogeneous data types, learning nonstationary environments, and addressing imbalanced data problems, among others.
In this chapter, we first provide a background on ensemble systems, including
statistical and computational reasons for using them. Next, we discuss the three pillars of the ensemble systems: diversity, training ensemble members, and combining
ensemble members. After an overview of commonly used ensemble-based algorithms, we then look at various aforementioned applications of ensemble systems as
we try to answer the question “what else can ensemble systems do for you?”
1.1.1 Statistical and Computational Justifications
for Ensemble Systems
The premise of using ensemble-based decision systems in our daily lives is
fundamentally not different from their use in computational intelligence. We consult
with others before making a decision often because of the variability in the past
record and accuracy of any of the individual decision makers. If in fact there were
such an expert, or perhaps an oracle, whose predictions were always true, we would
never need any other decision maker, and there would never be a need for ensemblebased systems. Alas, no such oracle exists; every decision maker has an imperfect
past record. In other words, the accuracy of each decision maker’s decision has
a nonzero variability. Now, note that any classification error is composed of two
components that we can control: bias, the accuracy of the classifier; and variance,
the precision of the classifier when trained on different training sets. Often, these
two components have a trade-off relationship: classifiers with low bias tend to have
high variance and vice versa. On the other hand, we also know that averaging has
a smoothing (variance-reducing) effect. Hence, the goal of ensemble systems is to
create several classifiers with relatively fixed (or similar) bias and then combining
their outputs, say by averaging, to reduce the variance.





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