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Chapter 1: Running Java: Compilation, Loading, and
Before a Java program can be executed, it must be compiled and loaded. The compiler checks that the
Java program is legal: that the program conforms to the Java syntax (grammar), that operators (such as
+) are applied operands (such as 5 and x) of the correct type, and so on. If so, the compiler generates
so-called class files. Execution then starts by loading the needed class files.
Thus running a Java program involves three stages: compilation (checks that the program is wellformed), loading (loads and initializes classes), and execution (runs the program code).
Chapter 2: Names and Reserved Names
A legal name (of a variable, method, field, parameter, class, interface or package) starts with a letter or
dollar sign ($) or underscore (_), and continues with zero or more letters or dollar signs or underscores
or digits (0–9). Avoid dollar signs in class names. Uppercase letters and lowercase letters are
considered distinct. A legal name cannot be one of the following reserved names:
abstract char else goto long public
assert class extends if native return
boolean const false implements new short
break continue final import null static
byte default finally instanceof package strictfp
case do float int private super
catch double for interface protected switch