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A Statistical View of Some Chemometrics Regression Tools PDF 下载

时间:2020-10-28 09:52来源: 作者:转载  侵权举报
A Statistical View of Some Chemometrics Regression Tools PDF 下载
 A Statistical View of Some Chemometrics Regression Tools PDF 下载


 plied to many types of chemical problems for some
 time. For example, experimental design techniques
 have had a strong impact on understanding and im-
 proving industrial chemical processes. Recently the
 field of chemometrics has emerged with a focus on
 analyzing observational data originating mostly from
 organic and analytical chemistry, food research, and
 environmental studies. These data tend to be char-
 acterized by many measured variables on each of a
 few observations. Often the number of such variables
 p greatly exceeds the observation count N. There is
 generally a high degree of collinearity among the
 variables, which are often (but not always) digiti-
 zations of analog signals.
 Many of the tools employed by chemometricians
 are the same as those used in other fields that pro-
 duce and analyze observational data and are more
 or less well known to statisticians. These tools in-
 clude data exploration through principal components
 and cluster analysis, as well as modern computer
 graphics. Predictive modeling (regression and clas-
 sification) is also an important goal in most appli-
 cations. In this area, however, chemometricians have
 invented their own techniques based on heuristic rea-
 soning and intuitive ideas, and there is a growing
 body of empirical evidence that they perform well in
 many situations. The most popular regression method
 in chemometrics is partial least squares (PLS) (H.
 Wold 1975) and, to a somewhat lesser extent, prin-
 cipal components regression (PCR) (Massy 1965).
 Although PLS is heavily promoted (and used) by
 chemometricians, it is largely unknown to statisti-
 cians. PCR is known to, but seldom recommended
 by, statisticians. [The Journal of Chemometrics (John
 Wiley) and Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory
 Systems (Elsevier) contain many articles on regres-
 sion applications to chemical problems using PCR
 and PLS. See also Martens and Naes (1989).]
 The original ideas motivating PLS and PCR were
 entirely heuristic, and their statistical properties re-
 main largely a mystery. There has been some recent
 progress with respect to PLS (Helland 1988; Lorber,
 Wangen, and Kowalski 1987; Phatak, Reilly, and
 Penlidis 1991; Stone and Brooks 1990). The purpose
 of this article is to view these procedures from a
 statistical perspective, attempting to gain some in-
 sight as to when and why they can be expected to
 work well. In situations for which they do perform
 well, they are compared to standard statistical meth-
 odology intended for those situations. These include
 ordinary least squares (OLS) regression, variable
 subset selection (VSS) methods, and ridge regression
 (RR) (Hoerl and Kennard 1970). The goal is to bring
 all of these methods together into a common frame-
 work to attempt to shed some light on their similar-
 ities and differences. The characteristics of PLS in
 particular have so far eluded theoretical understand-
 ing. This has led to unsubstantiated claims concern-
 ing its performance relative to other regression pro-
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All use subject to
 cedures, such as that it makes fewer assumptions
 concerning the nature of the data. Simply not under-
 standing the nature of the assumptions being made
 does not mean that they do not exist.
 Space limitations force us to limit our discussion
 here to methods that so far have seen the most use
 in practice. There are many other suggested ap-
 proaches [e.g., latent root regression (Hawkins 1973;
 Webster, Gunst, and Mason 1974), intermediate least
 squares (Frank 1987), James-Stein shrinkage (James
 and Stein 1961), and various Bayes and empirical
 Bayes methods] that, although potentially promis-
 ing, have not yet seen wide applications.
 1.1 Summary Conclusions
 RR, PCR, and PLS are seen in Section 3 to operate
 in a similar fashion. Their principal goal is to shrink
 the solution coefficient vector away from the OLS
 solution toward directions in the predictor-variable
 space of larger sample spread. Section 3.1 provides
 a Bayesian motivation for this under a prior distri-
 bution that provides no information concerning the
 direction of the true coefficient vector-all direc-
 tions are equally likely to be encountered. Shrinkage
 away from low spread directions is seen to control
 the variance of the estimate. Section 3.2 examines
 the relative shrinkage structure of these three meth-
 ods in detail. PCR and PLS are seen to shrink more
 heavily away from the low spread directions than
 RR, which provides the optimal shrinkage (among
 linear estimators) for an equidirection prior. Thus
 PCR and PLS make the assumption that the truth is
 likely to have particular preferential alignments with
 the high spread directions of the predictor-variable
 (sample) distribution. A somewhat surprising result
 is that PLS (in addition) places increased probability
 mass on the true coefficient vector aligning with the
 Kth principal component direction, where K is the
 number of PLS components used, in fact expanding
 the OLS solution in that direction. The solutions and
 hence the performance of RR, PCR, and PLS tend
 to be quite similar in most situations, largely because
 they are applied to problems involving high colli-
 nearity in which variance tends to dominate the bias,
 especially in the directions of small predictor spread,
 causing all three methods to shrink heavily along
 those directions. In the presence of more symmetric
 designs, larger differences between them might well
 The most popular method of regression regulari-
 zation used in statistics, VSS, is seen in Section 4 to
 make quite different assumptions. It is shown to cor-
 respond to a limiting case of a Bayesian procedure
 in which the prior probability distribution places all
 mass on the original predictor variable (coordinate)
 axes. This leads to the assumption that the response
 is likely to be influenced by a few of the predictor
 variables but leaves unspecified which ones. It will
 therefore tend to work best in situations character-
 ized by true coefficient vectors with components
 consisting of a very few (relatively) large (absolute)
 Section 5 presents a simulation study comparing
 the performance of OLS, RR, PCR, PLS, and VSS
 in a variety of situations. In all of the situations stud-
 ied, RR dominated the other methods, closely fol-
 lowed by PLS and PCR, in that order. VSS provided
 distinctly inferior performance to these but still con-
 siderably better than OLS, which usually performed
 quite badly.
 Section 6 examines multiple-response regression,
 investigating the circumstances under which consid-
 ering all of the responses together as a group might
 lead to better performance than a sequence of sep-
 arate regressions of each response individually on
 the predictors. Two-block multiresponse PLS is an-
 alyzed. It is seen to bias the solution coefficient vec-
 tors away from low spread directions in the predictor
 variable space (as would a sequence of separate PLS
 regressions) but also toward directions in the pre-
 dictor space that preferentially predict the high spread
 directions in the response-variable space. An (em-
 pirical) Bayesian motivation for this behavior is de-
 veloped by considering a joint prior on all of the
 (true) coefficient vectors that provides information
 on the degree of similarity of the dependence of the
 responses on the predictors (through the response
 correlation structure) but no information as to the
 particular nature of those dependences. This leads
 to a multiple-response analog of RR that exhibits
 similar behavior to that of two-block PLS. The two
 procedures are compared in a small simulation study
 in which multiresponse ridge slightly outperformed
 two-block PLS. Surprisingly, however, neither did
 dramatically better than the corresponding unire-
 sponse procedures applied separately to the individ-
 ual responses, even though the situations were de-
 signed to be most favorable to the multiresponse
 Section 7 discusses the invariance properties of
 these regression procedures. Only OLS is equivar-
 iant under all nonsingular affine (linear-rotation
 and/or scaling) transformations of the variable axes.
 RR, PCR, and PLS are equivariant under rotation
 but not scaling. VSS is equivariant under scaling but
 not rotation. These properties are seen to follow from
 the nature of the (informal) priors and loss structures
 associated with the respective procedures.
 Finally, Section 8 provides a short discussion of
 interpretability issues.





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