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Recommending Deployment Strategies for Collaborative Tasks PDF 下载
2.1 Data Model
Crowdsourcing Tasks: A platform is designed to crowdsource tasks, deployed by a set of requesters and undertaken
by crowd workers. We consider collaborative tasks such as
sentence translation, text summarization, and puzzle solving [29, 30].
Deployment Strategies: A deployment strategy [17]
instantiates three dimensions: Structure (sequential or simultaneous), Organization (collaborative or independent), and
Style (crowd-only or crowd and algorithms). We rely on common deployment strategies [5, 17] and refer to them as S.
Figure 2 enlists some strategies that are suitable for text
translation tasks (from English to French in this example).
For instance, SEQ-IND-CRO in Figure 2(a) dictates that workers complete tasks sequentially (SEQ), independently (IND)
and with no help from algorithms (CRO). In SIM-COL-CRO
(Figure 2(b)), workers are solicited in parallel (SIM) to complete a task collaboratively (COL) and with no help from
algorithms (CRO). The last strategy SIM-IND-HYB dictates a
hybrid work style (HYB) where workers are combined with
algorithms, for instance with Google Translate.
Research 1: Crowdsourcing and Visualization SIGMOD ’20, June 14–19, 2020, Portland, OR, USA 5
A platform could provide the ability to implement some
strategies. For instance, communication between workers
enables SEQ, while collaboration enables COL. Additionally,
coordination between machines and humans may enable
HYB. Therefore, strategies could be implemented inside or
outside platforms. In the latter, a platform could be used
solely for hiring workers who are then redirected to an environment where strategies are implemented. In all cases, we
will assume a set of strategies S for a given platform.
For the purpose of illustration, we will only use a few
strategies in this paper. However, in principle, the number
of possible strategies could be very large. The closest analogy is query plans in relational databases in which joins,
selections, and projections could be combined any number
of times and in dierent orders. Additionally, there exists
multiple real world tools Turkomatic [19] or Soylent [4], that
aid requesters in planning and solving collaborative tasks. In
Turkomatic, while workers decompose and solve tasks, requesters can view the status of worker-designed workows
in real time; intervene to change tasks; and request new
solutions. Such tools would certainly benet from strategy
Task Requests and Deployment Parameters:A requester
intends to nd one or more strategies (notationally k, a small
integer) for a deployment d with parameters on quality, cost,
and latency (d.quality, d.cost, d.latency) such that, when a
task in d is deployed using strategy s ∈ S, it is estimated to
achieve a crowd contribution quality s.quality, by spending
at mosts.cost, and the deployment will last at mosts.latency.
Quality Cost Latency
d1 0.4 0.17 0.28
d2 0.8 0.2 0.28
d3 0.7 0.83 0.28
s1 0.5 0.25 0.28
s2 0.75 0.33 0.28
s3 0.8 0.5 0.14
s4 0.88 0.58 0.14
Table 1: Deployment Requests and Strategies
Example 1. Assume there are 3 (m = 3) task deployment
requests for dierent types of collaborative sentence translation
tasks. The rst requester d1 is interested in deploying sentence
translation tasks for 2 days (out of 7 days), at a cost up to $100
(out of $600 max), and expects the quality of the translation to
reach at least 40% of domain expert quality. Table 1 presents
these after normalization between [0 1]. We set k = 3.
A strategy s is suitable to be recommended to d, if
s.quality ≥ d.quality AND s.cost ≤ d.cost AND s.latency ≤ d.latency. Estimating the parameters s.quality, s.cost, s.latency for each s and deployment d requires accounting
for the worker pool and their skills who are available to undertake tasks in d. A simple yet reasonable approach to that is
to rst match task types in a deployment request with workers’
skills to select a pool of workers. Following that, we account for
worker availability from this selected pool, since the deployed
tasks are to be done by those workers. Thus, the (estimated)
quality, cost and latency of a strategy for a task is a function
of worker availability, considering a selected pool of workers
who are suitable for the tasks.
Worker Availability: Worker availability is a discrete
random variable and is represented by its corresponding
distribution function (pdf), which gives the probability of
the proportion of workers who are suitable and available
to undertake tasks of a certain type within a specied time
d.latency (refer to Example 1). This pdf is computed from historical data on workers’ arrival and departure on a platform.
StratRec computes the expected value of this pdf to represent
the available workforce W , as a normalized value in [0, 1].
In the remainder of the paper, worker availability stands for
worker availability in expectation, unless otherwise speci-
ed. How to accurately estimate worker availability is an
interesting yet orthogonal problem and not our focus here.