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Cooperation Aware Task Assignment in Spatial Crowdsourcing PDF 下载

时间:2021-01-03 17:31来源: 作者:转载  侵权举报
Cooperation Aware Task Assignment in Spatial Crowdsourcing PDF 下载
Cooperation Aware Task Assignment in Spatial Crowdsourcing  PDF 下载


Game theory is the study of mathematical models of conflict
and cooperation between intelligent rational decision-makers,
which is widely used in economics, political science, and
computer science [9]. In strategic games, there are a set of
players N competing or cooperating for some resources in
order to optimize their individual objective functions (utilities).
For each player i ∈ N , he/she can choose one strategy si
(i.e., conducting task tx) out from the set of his/her possible
strategies Si, and has a utility function Ui, whose value
depends on the strategy of player i as well as the strategies of
other players. The input of the utility function Ui is a given
joint strategy S ∈ S, where S is the Cartesian product of the
actions of all players (i.e., S = S1 × S2 ×···× S|N |). Let
si be the strategy of player i in the joint strategy S and s−i
be the joint strategies of all other players except for player i.
A strategic game has a pure Nash equilibrium [19] S∗ ∈ S,
if and only if for every player i ∈ N we have the following
Ui(s∗i , s∗−i) ≥ Ui(si, s∗−i), ∀si ∈ Si
Algorithm 3: Game Theoretic Approach
Input: A set W(ϕ) of available workers and a set T(ϕ) of
tasks at timestamp ϕ
Output: Nash Equilibrium
1 Apply TPG approach to achieve an initial assignment
2 while Not Nash Equilibrium do
3 foreach wi ∈ W(ϕ) do
4 select the best-response task tj for worker wi 5 assign worker wi to task tj 6 return the assignment of each worker
In other words, in a Nash equilibrium no player can improve
his/her utility by unilaterally changing his/her strategy when
other players persist in their current strategies.
One common used framework to search a Nash equilibrium
S∗ ∈ S for a given strategic game G = N , S, {Ui}i∈N → N is the best-response framework [21], which first randomly
selects a strategy for each player, then iteratively selects the
“best” strategy for each player i based on the current strategies
of other players until a Nash equilibrium is found (i.e., no one
will change the selected strategy).
There are several issues related to the best-response frame￾work: a) Stability: whether the best-response frame can find a
Nash equilibrium; b) Convergence: how fast it can converge;
c) Quality: how good is the found solution. We will first
propose one game theoretic approach to solve our CA-SC
problem, then answer the three issues related to the approach
B. The Game Theoretic Approach
In this section, we first model a CA-SC problem instance
as a strategic game G then propose a game theoretic approach
(GT) based on the best-response framework to find a Nash
equilibrium joint strategy for the strategic game G, where every
worker is assigned to his/her “best” task such that a high total
cooperation quality score is achieved. Specifically, we model
each worker wi as a player i, whose target is to select a “best”
task with the highest cooperation score (utility) for him/her.
For each player wi, his/her strategy set Si indicates all the
possible strategies that he/she can choose (e.g., all the valid
tasks he/she can conduct). Then, a joint strategy S for the
strategic game G corresponds to an assignment A for the CA￾SC problem instance.
We first define the utility function Ui of worker wi in the
joint strategy S as the cooperation quality score increase:
Ui(S) = Ui(si, s−i)=ΔQ(wi, tj ) = Q(Wj )−Q(Wj−{wi}) (5)
where Wj is the assigned workers of task tj (worker wi selects
task tj ). Then, we propose a basic game theoretic approach,
shown in Algorithm 3, to achieve a Nash equilibrium for a
set of workers W(ϕ) and a set of tasks T(ϕ) at timestamp
ϕ. Specifically, we first apply TPG approach to achieve
an initial assignment (lines 1). Next, we iteratively adjust
each worker’s strategy to his/her best-response strategy that
maximizes his/her utility function Ui (as defined in Equation
5) according to the other workers’ current joint strategy until a
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Nash equilibrium is found (i.e., no worker will change his/her
strategy in the best-response framework) (lines 2 - 5). Here,
each iteration of the WHILE loop (lines 2-5) is called a round.
C. Analysis of the Game Theoretic Approach
In this section, we analyze the three important issues related
to the game theoretic approach (Algorithm 3): a) whether it can
find a Nash equilibrium (Stability); b) how fast it can converge
(Convergence); c) how good is the found result (Quality).
The Stability of the Approach. We prove that Algorithm 3
can finally result in a Nash equilibrium. To prove the stability
of Algorithm 3, we first introduce the theory of Potential
Games [17]. A strategic game G = N , S, {Ui}i∈N → R
is called an exact potential game if and only if there exists a
potential function F(S) : S → R such that:
Ui(si, s−i) − Ui(si, s−i) = F(si, s−i) − F(si, s−i), ∀si, si ∈ Si
where si and si are the strategies that worker wi can select, and s−i is the joint strategy of the other workers except for
worker wi. Intuitively, in an exact potential game, the change
in a single player’s utility due to his/her own strategy deviation
results in exactly the same amount of change in the potential
function. The most important property of potential games is
that the best-response framework always converges to a pure
Nash equilibrium for finite-strategy potential games [17].
Next, we prove the stability of the basic game theoretic approach by proving the strategic game of our CA-SC problem is
an exact potential game in the following theorem. Specifically,
we define the potential function F as the objective function
in Equation 3.
Theorem V.1. The strategic game of the CA-SC problem is
an exact potential game.
Proof. Let si and si be any other response strategy of worker wi. Here a given joint strategy s−i is for the other workers
except for worker wi. We note the task selected in strategies si and si as tasks tj and tk, respectively, then we have:
F(si, s−i) − F(si, s−i) = Q(Wj ) + Q(Wk − {wi}) +  tx∈T−{tj ,tk} Q(Wx) −Q(Wk) + Q(Wj − {wi}) +
−{tj ,tk} Q(Wx) = Q(Wj ) + Q(Wk − {wi}) − Q(Wk) + Q(Wj − {wi}) = Q(Wj ) − Q(Wj − {wi}) − Q(Wk) − Q(Wk − {wi}) = Ui(si, s−i) − Ui(si, s−i) (6)
Thus, according to the definition of potential games [17],
the strategic game of the CA-SC problem is an exact potential





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