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JMM(Java 内存模型详解) PDF 下载
4 · Jeremy Manson, William Pugh and Sarita Adve
Initially, x == y == 0
Thread 1 Thread 2
1: r1 = x; 4: x = 1
2: y = 1; 5: r3 = y
3: r2 = x;
r1 == r2 == r3 == 0 is legal behavior
Fig. 1. Incorrect Synchronization Can Lead To Surprising Results
tions – this is an informal definition of what we shall refer to as the program order.
This model basically reflects an interleaving of the actions in each thread; under
sequential consistency, a read must return the value written most recently to the
location being read in the total order.
While it is an intuitive extension of the single threaded model, sequential consistency restricts the use of many system optimizations. In general, a sequentially
consistent system will not have much freedom to reorder memory statements within
a thread, even if there are no conventional data or control dependences between
the two statements. This can be a serious limitation, since many important optimizations involve reordering program statements.
Figure 1 provides a simple example of how a lack of sequential consistency can
result in surprising behavior. As we shall see, this program is incorrectly synchronized – shared variables are accessed concurrently without synchronization. Under
sequential consistency, either the write or x or the write to y must occur before the
reads in statements 3 and 5. Thus, it would seem that either r2 or r3 should be
1. One common compiler optimization involves having the value read for r1 reused
for r2: they are both reads of x with no intervening write by Thread 1. If this
optimization is applied, then the behavior r1 == r2 == r3 == 0 could result.
Recently, hardware designers have developed techniques that alleviate some of the
limitations of sequential consistency by reordering accesses speculatively [Gharachorloo et al. 1991; Ranganathan et al. 1997]. The reordered accesses are committed
only when they are known to not be visible to the programmer. Compiler techniques
to determine when reorderings are safe have also been proposed [Shasha and Snir
1988; Sura et al. 2002], but are not yet comprehensively evaluated or implemented
in commercial compilers.
A common method to overcome the limitations of sequential consistency is the
use of relaxed memory models, which allow more optimizations [Dubois et al. 1986b;
Gharachorloo et al. 1990a; IBM 1983; May et al. 1994; Sites and Witek 1995; Weaver
and Germond 1994]. Many of these models were originally motivated by hardware
optimizations and are described in terms of low-level system attributes such as
buffers and caches. Generally, these models have been hard to reason with and, as
we show later, do not allow enough implementation flexibility either. Having said
this, Java’s memory model is a relaxed one.
To achieve both programming simplicity and implementation flexibility, alternative models, referred to as data-race-free models [Adve 1993; Adve and Hill 1990;
1993] or properly-labeled models [Gharachorloo 1996; Gharachorloo et al. 1992],
have been proposed. This approach exploits the observation that good programming practice dictates that programs be correctly synchronized (data-race-free); a
data race is often a symptom of a bug. The data-race-free models formalize correct
ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems, Vol. TBD, No. TDB, Month Year.