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How are Engineers Working
with Microservices?
4 | Microservices Trends in Java Development Report
From the Java tooling point of view, we wanted to determine whether developers
are focusing on one service at a time or consistently making changes across services.
We asked how many microservices are typically being modified simultaneously.
To build on the previous question regarding the number of microservices used in an
application, the responses here signal how small or interdependent each service is.
The median number of services worked on simultaneously was three, so the
developer tooling should make redeploying multiple microservices fast and easy.
One of the most important questions we asked was how developers see the effects
of changes in development. The intention was to gain insight into how developers
are setting up their environment when working with microservices:
• Running full applications locally (common in monolithic architectures).
• Running one or two services on a local Docker while modifying.
• Relying on unit tests and staging, skipping local deployment altogether.
The differences between these options are significant for any Java tooling.
Q: How many microservices are you
typically modifying simultaneously?