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Memory Efficient Hard Real-Time Garbage Collection by Tobias Ritzau PDF 下载
This thesis presents work in the area of automatic memory management
for hard real-time and embedded systems. The motivation of the thesis is
to be able to develop hard real-time and embedded systems using modern languages. Since these languages commonly use automatic memory
management or garbage collection (GC), which traditionally has had an
unpredictable runtime behavior, we could either try to eliminate the need
for GC using manual techniques, or we could develop GC techniques for
these systems. Since GC is such a powerful tool to eliminate memory related programming errors, we decided to develop techniques to use GC in
hard real-time and embedded systems. During this work three other GC
techniques for these systems have been published. The main advantage
of our work compared to the other three is that memory utilization effi-
ciency increased by about 50 %. We have also developed an optimization
for incremental garbage collectors and a static garbage collector that aims
to eliminate the need for runtime garbage collection.
1.1 Perspective
Once upon a time, programming required a deep knowledge of how the
machines were constructed and the programmers had full control of the
execution of the system. Charles Babbage became the first programmer
when he programmed his difference machine in 1822. It was programmed
by exchanging the gears that performed the calculations. More than 100
years later in about 1945 Konrad Zuse developed Plankalk¨ul [BW72], the
first programming language. Unfortunately, most work was lost or con-
fiscated in the aftermath of World War II and the work was not published
until 1972. Plankalk¨ul was used to program the Z3, the first universal computer in the world [Roj98].
Contemporary computers were more like calculators, and the calculations where input by punching holes in paper tapes (Z3 and Colossus) or
even by making physical changes to the hardware (ENIAC). In 1945 John
von Neumann published the EDVAC report [vN45] and Alan Turing published the ACE Report [TCD86]. Both came to the conclusion that programs should be stored in memory in the same way as data was. This
was the birth of the computer architecture that is still used today. In 1949,
Short Code [Sch88] was introduced by John W. Mauchly, it was the first
programming languages for the new generation computers.
Programming languages has since evolved, adding features like recursion, pointers, dynamic memory management, garbage collection, structured programming, object-orientation, etc. Many of these features have
become natural parts of programming languages, and most developers
can not write a non-trivial program without them. These features makes
programming less error-prone, and more complex systems can be implemented. However, with a higher level of abstraction, the control of the
applications runtime behavior is lost. When developing real-time systems,
i.e. systems whose correctness is not only dependent of their output but
also on their timing, it is crucial that the runtime behavior can be predicted.
A conflict occurs when real-time systems become increasingly more
complex. Modern languages would certainly ease development and produce more stable systems, but the control of the runtime behavior is lost.
The features of modern languages are not the problem, it is the way they
are implemented that cause problems. Their implementations usually try
to optimize average performance, and not worst case performance as is
required in real-time systems. This thesis focuses on automatic memory
management of real-time and embedded systems, and presents techniques
to make it predictable and still efficient.
1.2 Problem Definition
To be able to maintain full control of the runtime behavior of a system,
it must be possible to predict the amount of resources (e.g. CPU time and
memory) that is required for any (virtual) machine level instruction and for
all runtime system work. Note that using such a system does not prevent
writing an unpredictable application. An example is an application that
waits for external events, e.g. input from a user. First, it is not always
possible to know when the event occurs, and second the data passed with
the event may be unknown. Thus, developers must still follow rules to
handle such cases.
Early implementations of new languages are typically designed to be
easy to implement and prove correct. Then follows optimizations for the
average case, which is commonly interactive window based applications
or possibly servers. Techniques that are optimized for such systems are seldom appropriate for hard real-time and embedded systems, because their
target systems need not be predictable and they have much more memory
resources available.
To be more specific, garbage collection algorithms may be designed to
interrupt the application for short time periods in the general case, but it
need not be guaranteed that it will collect all garbage memory before the
system runs out of memory. If the memory runs out, the system can be
stopped to collect the remaining garbage memory. Such stop may take
a second or two, but that does not matter to these systems. Unfortunately
many such techniques are called real-time garbage collectors, which is confusing. Another problem with garbage collectors is that they consume very
much memory. The runtime systems that use real-time garbage collectors
that guarantee memory availability need about 70 % of the system memory for internal use, which leaves about 30 % for the application. A large
contribution to the overhead comes from the memory that is needed to allocate objects while the garbage collector collects garbage memory. This
alone typically causes an overhead of about 50 %.
The garbage collector is not the only part of a runtime system that needs
to be redesigned to make it predictable. Examples of other parts that need
attention are thread support, synchronization, messaging, and some complex instructions. This is, however, out of scope for this thesis.