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1 Background
This section briefly covers or points to some of the background definitions and concepts required
to appreciate the course. Most of this material would be normally encountered in a first course on
Algorithms and Data Structures in any undergraduate program in Computer Science.
1.1 Computers and Algorithms
A computer is a machine that can be instructed to carry out sequences of arithmetic or logical
operations to perform a specific task such as solving a particular problem. A computer program
is a collection of instructions that can be executed by a computer. The method underlying a
program to solve a particular problem that can be specified by a finite sequence of well-defined,
unambiguous, computer-implementable instructions is known as an algorithm. Thus an algorithm
can be viewed as a computational procedure that allows us to solve a computational problem
specified by a given input/output relationship. For example, consider the sorting problem specified
the following input/output relationship:
Input: A sequence of n numbers (x1, x2, . . . , xn)
Output: A reordering (x(1), x(2), . . . , x(n)
) of the input sequence such that x(1) ≤ x(2) ≤ · · · ≤ x(n)
For example, given (4, 3, 1, 2) as the input sequence or instance of the problem, the sorting
algorithm should return as output the sorted sequence (1, 2, 3, 4). An algorithm is said to be correct
if it halts with the expected output for every input instance. For example, a sorting algorithm would
be correct if it produced the sorted sequence for every one of the n! input sequences of any given
sequence of n numbers.
A correct algorithm is said to solve the given computational problem. Two algorithms can solve
a problem, but one may solve it with fewer computer resources than the other. An algorithm that
uses fewer resources than another is said to be more efficient. To appreciate algorithmic efficiency
we need some understanding of the computer resources that are crucial to solving a computational
This course assumes you have taken an intermediate to advanced undergraduate course in
*Analysis of Algorithms* in a sequential single-machine setting. A timeless course is from the
authors of the classical Book on the topic 1 or its modern versions 2
. It is impossible to learn the
contents of this course without such basic undergraduate foundations in analysis of algorithms.
1.2 Computer architecture
Computers one encounters today include desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones. All such
computers have the following common features. A processor is an electronic device capable of
manipulating data as specified by a program. The processor requires memory to store the program
and data and input/output (I/O) devices such as keyboards, monitor, hard-drive, etc., along with
support logic. These three main components are depicted in Fig. 1.
Nearly all modern processors are implemented on a single integrated circuit known as microprocessors or CPUs (Central Processing Units) including Intel, ARM, and Sun SPARC. The memory
of the computer contains both the instructions that the processor will execute (to run the program)
and the data it will manipulate. Thus, while instructions are read from memory, the data to be
manipulated is both read from and written to memory by the processor. Most modern computers follow such a computer architecture known as the von Neumann architecture and are termed
control-flow computers as they follow a step-by-step program that governs its operations.
Processor Memory I/O Devices
Figure 1: Simplified architecture of a computer
There are four basic types of operations that a processor can perform. The processor can (1)
write data to memory or to an I/O device, (2) read data from memory or from an I/O device, (3)
read instructions from memory, and (4) perform internal manipulation of data within the processor
using the Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU). The processor has limited internal data storage known as
its registers or caches and these are used to hold the data or operands that the processor is currently
manipulating. The ALU performs the internal arithmetic and logical operations to manipulate the
data in the processor. The instructions that are read from memory and executed by the processor
not only control the data flow between the registers and the ALU but also the arithmetic operations
performed by the ALU.
Clearly, the total number of operations performed by a processor in the course of implementing
an algorithm is directly proportional to the time taken to produce the desired output from a given
input. Thus, time taken by an algorithm is a clear measure of its efficiency.
We need to be aware of a other crucial aspects of computer architecture that can determine
the efficiency of an algorithm. A bus is a data path in a computer, consisting of various parallel
wires to which the processor, memory, and all input/output devices are connected. Thus, a bus
determines how much and how fast data can move across the devices. For example, a processor
can access data stored in caches much faster than it can from memory through a bus. In many
systems, the processor makes no distinction between reading or writing data between memory and
an I/O device such as a hard-disk. However there can be significant difference in the performance
times. Reading data in memory can be orders of magnitude faster than reading data from external
hard-disk. We will have to be mindful of such differences when designing efficient algorithms in a
sequential, parallel as well as distributed computing models.