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数据结构与算法分析(Java语言描述)习题答案(第三版) PDF 下载
1.4The general way to do this is to write a procedure with heading
void processFile( String fileName );
which opens fileName, does whatever processing is needed, and then closes it. If a line of the form
#include SomeFile
is detected, then the call
processFile( SomeFile );
is made recursively. Self-referential includes can be detected by keeping a list of files for which a call to
processFile has not yet terminated, and checking this list before making a new call to processFile.
1.5public static int ones( int n )
if( n < 2 ) return n;
return n % 2 + ones( n / 2 );
1.7(a) The proof is by induction. The theorem is clearly true for 0 < X 1, since it is true for X = 1, and for X < 1, log X is negative. It is also easy to see that the theorem holds for 1 < X 2, since it is true for X = 2, and for X < 2, log X is at most 1. Suppose the theorem is true for p < X 2p (where p is a positive integer), and consider any 2p < Y 4p (p 1). Then log Y = 1 + log(Y/2)< 1 + Y/2 < Y/2 + Y/2 Y, where the first inequality follows by the inductive hypothesis.
(b) Let 2X = A. Then AB = (2X)B = 2XB. Thus log AB = XB. Since X = log A, the theorem is proved.
1.8(a) The sum is 4/3 and follows directly from the formula.
S 1 2 3
Subtracting the first equation from the second gives
4 42 43
3S 1 1 2
4 42
. By part (a), 3S = 4/3 so S = 4/9.
S 1 4 9
Subtracting the first equation from the second gives
4 42 43
3S 1 3 5 7 Rewriting, we get 3S 2 i 1 . Thus 3S = 2(4/9) + 4/3 = 20/9. Thus S =
4 42 43
i0 4
i0 4
(d) Let SN = iN . Follow the same method as in parts (a) – (c) to obtain a formula for SN in terms of SN–1,
SN–2,..., S0 and solve the recurrence. Solving the recurrence is very difficult.
N N N / 21
1 1
1 ln N ln N / 2 ln 2.
i N / 2 i1
1.10 24 = 16 1 (mod 5). (24)25 125 (mod 5). Thus 2100 1 (mod 5).
1.11 (a) Proof is by induction. The statement is clearly true for N = 1 and N = 2. Assume true for N = 1, 2, ... , k.
k 1 k
Fi Fi Fk 1. By the induction hypothesis, the value of the sum on the right is Fk+2 – 2 + Fk+1 =
i1 i1
Fk+3 – 2, where the latter equality follows from the definition of the Fibonacci numbers. This proves the claim for N = k + 1, and hence for all N.
(b)As in the text, the proof is by induction. Observe that + 1 = 2. This implies that –1 + –2 = 1. For N = 1 and N = 2, the statement is true. Assume the claim is true for N = 1, 2, ... , k.
Fk 1 Fk Fk 1
by the definition, and we can use the inductive hypothesis on the right-hand side, obtaining
Fk 1 k k1
1 k 1 2 k 1
Fk 1 ( 1 2 ) k 1 k 1
and proving the theorem.
(c)See any of the advanced math references at the end of the chapter. The derivation involves the use of generating functions.
1.12 (a) (2i 1) 2i 1 = N(N + 1) – N = N2.
(b) The easiest way to prove this is by induction. The case N = 1 is trivial. Otherwise,