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计算机英语实用教程 吕云翔 PDF 下载

时间:2022-02-28 11:36来源:未知 作者:小锋  侵权举报
计算机英语实用教程 吕云翔 PDF 下载






本书是面向计算机及相关专业英语课程的教材,内容涉及深刻影响着人们生活的信息技术,包括很新的科研成果、业界前沿课题和发展趋势,以及计算机文化典故和名人轶事。本教材信息量大,知识性强,注重英语的听、说、读、写、译能力的全面培养和实际应用。各章内容均分为阅读与翻译、写作、听说三大部分;采用场景式教学和体验式学习相结合的方式,融合了角色扮演、多人会话和小组讨论等行之有效的训练方法。     本书适合靠前各高等院校计算机、软件工程等相关专业教学之用,也可作为其他相关专业或IT领域人员的自修参考用书。


Unit 1  Basic Introduction to Computers
Part 1  Reading and Translating
Section A  Cloud Computing
Section B  Touch Screen Technology: How the Scr Smart
Part 2  Simulated Writing: Memo
Part 3  Listening and Speaking
Dialogue: Buying a New Notebook Computer
Listening Comprehension:Roadrunner
Dictation: John von Neumann
Unit 2  Hardware for Systems
Part 1  Reading and Translating
Section A  Random Access Memory (RAM): The  Memory
Section B  GPGPU
Part 2  Simulated Writing: Notices
Part 3  Listening and Speaking
Dialogue: Referring to Websites or Online F
Microsoft Developer
Listening Comprehension: Intel
Dictation: Father of the Mouse—Doug Engelbart
Unit 3  Software for Systems
Part 1  Reading and Translating
Section A  Google Glass
Section B  3D Printing
Part 2  Simulated Writing: Report
Part 3  Listening and Speaking
Dialogue: Making an Electronic Alb
Multimedia Editing Software
Listening Comprehension: The Software Giant—Microsoft
Dictation: Embedded Systems
Unit 4  Operating System
Part 1  Reading and Translating
Section A  How Mobile OS differs from Desktop OS?
Section B  Open vs. Closed Systems: What the Future Holds
Part 2  Simulated Writing: Meeting Minutes
Part 3  Listening and Speaking
Dialogue: Choosing a Linux Distribution and Free Trials for Free Software
Listening Comprehension: Open Source Software
Dictation: Apple Mac OS
Unit 5  Computer Programming
Part 1  Reading and Translating
Section A  3-D Graphics: Creating a Realistic Experience
Section B  Triangulation:Can You Find Me Now?
Part 2  Simulated Writing: Outline
Part 3  Listening and Speaking
Dialogue: Getting to Know Java Runtime Environment (JRE)
Virtual Machine (JVM)
Listening Comprehension: IDE
Dictation: Ada Lovelace, the First Programmer
Unit 6  Managing a Databases
Part 1  Reading and Translating
Section A  Normalization: Ensuring Data Consistency
Section B  Big Data
Part 2  Simulated Writing: Summary
Part 3  Listening and Speaking
Dialogue: Installing Oracle Database Software
Listening Comprehension: Data Mining
Dictation: Data Warehouse
Unit 7  Computer Network
Part 1  Reading and Translating
Section A  OSI Reference Model: The Driving Force behind
Section B  So Networking
Part 2  Simulated Writing: Instructions
Part 3  Listening and Speaking
Dialogue: Setting up Wireless Network
Listening Comprehension:  IPv6—the Next Generation Internet Protocol
Dictation: Router
Unit 8  Fundamentals of the World Wide Web and Internet
Part 1  Reading and Translating
Section A  Acid3 Browser Test: Verifying Standards Support
Section B  DNS Servers: Flow Devices on the Internet Easily Locate Each Other
Part 2  Simulated Writing: Proposal
Part 3  Listening and Speaking
Dialogue: Enhancing Your Computer Security
Listening Comprehension: History of Google
Dictation: How Web Search Engines Work
Unit 9  E-Commerce
Part 1  Reading and Translating
Section A  Why Online2Offline Commerce Is a Trillion Dollar Opportunity
Section B  M-commerce Today
Part 2  Simulated Writing: E-mail
Part 3  Listening and Speaking
Dialogue: Protecting Buyers’ Privacy with Online Payment Services
Listening Comprehension: Online Shopping
Dictation: eBay — Global Buying Hub
Unit 10  Manage Computing Securely and Safely
Part 1  Reading and Translating
Section A  Computer Virus: Delivery, Infection, and Avoidence
Section B  Biometrics: Personalized Security
Part 2  Simulated Writing: Business Letter
Part 3  Listening and Speaking
Dialogue: Using Anti-virus Software
Listening Comprehension: Hacker and Cracker
Dictation: Trojan Horses
Unit 11  Software Engineering
Part 1  Reading and Translating
Section A  How Software Engineering Works
Section B  People and the Way They Build Systems
Part 2  Simulated Writing: Resume
Part 3  Listening and Speaking
Dialogue: Using Object-Oriented Analysis and Design Method
Listening Comprehension: Extreme Programming
Dictation: Unified Modeling Language (UML)
Unit 12  Digitized World
Part 1  Reading and Translating
Section A  Mobile Web
Section B  The Internet of Things
Part 2  Simulated Writing: Cover Letter
Part 3  Listening and Speaking
Dialogue: Interview
Listening Comprehension: Quantum Computer
Dictation: Native XML Database
Reference of Translation
单元  计算机的基本介绍
部分  阅读和翻译
第2部分  模拟写作:备忘录
第3部分  听力和对话
第2单元  系统的硬件
部分  阅读和翻译
第2部分  模拟写作:通知
第3部分  听力和对话
第3单元  系统的软件
部分  阅读和翻译
第2部分  模拟写作:报告
第3部分  听力和对话
第4单元  操作系统
部分  阅读和翻译
第2部分  模拟写作:会议记录
第3部分  听力和对话
第5单元  计算机编程
部分  阅读和翻译
第2部分  模拟写作:概要
第3部分  听力和对话
第6单元  管理数据库
部分  阅读和翻译
第2部分  模拟写作:摘要
第3部分  听力和对话
第7单元  网络和通信
部分  阅读和翻译
第2部分  模拟写作:说明书
第3部分  听力和对话
第8单元  万维网和因特网的基础知识
部分  阅读和翻译
第2部分  模拟写作:建议书
第3部分  听力和对话
第9单元  电子商务
部分  阅读和翻译
第2部分  模拟写作:电子邮件
第3部分  听力和对话
0单元  可靠和安全地管理计算
部分  阅读和翻译
第2部分  模拟写作:商业信函
第3部分  听力和对话
1单元  软件工程
部分  阅读和翻译
第2部分  模拟写作:简历
第3部分  听力和对话
2单元  数字世界
部分  阅读和翻译
第2部分  模拟写作:求职信
第3部分  听力和对话
Unit 1
Part 1  Reading and Translating
Part 3  Listening and Speaking
Unit 2
Part 1  Reading and Translating
Part 3  Listening and Speaking
Unit 3
Part 1  Reading and Translating
Part 3  Listening and Speaking
Unit 4
Part 1  Reading and Translating
Part 3  Listening and Speaking
Unit 5
Part 1  Reading and Translating
Part 3  Listening and Speaking
Unit 6
Part 1  Reading and Translating
Part 3  Listening and Speaking
Unit 7
Part 1  Reading and Translating
Part 3  Listening and Speaking
Unit 8
Part 1  Reading and Translating
Part 3  Listening and Speaking
Unit 9
Part 1  Reading and Translating
Part 3  Listening and Speaking
Unit 10
Part 1  Reading and Translating
Part 3  Listening and Speaking
Unit 11
Part 1  Reading and Translating
Part 3  Listening and Speaking
Unit 12
Part 1  Reading and Translating
Part 3  Listening and Speaking



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