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Linux系统编程 英文版 PDF 下载 下载地址:
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资料目录: Foreword Preface 1. Introduction and Essential Concepts System Programming APIs and ABIs Standards Concepts of Linux Programming Getting Started with Syster~ Programming 2. File I/O Opening Files Reading via read( ) Writing with write( ) Synchronized I/O Direct I/O Closing Files Seeking with lseek( ) Positional Reads and Writes Truncating Files Multiplexed I/O Kernel Internals Conclusion 3. Buffered I/0 User-Buffered I/0 Standard I/0 Opening Files Opening a Stream via File Descriptor Closing Streams Reading from a Stream Writing to a Stream Sample Program Using Buffered I/0 Seeking a Stream Flushing a Stream Errors and End-of-File Obtaining the Associated File Descriptor Controlling the Buffering Thread Safety Critiques of Standard I/0 Conclusion 4. Advanced File I/0 Scatter/Gather I/O The Event Poll Interface Mapping Files into Memory Advice for Normal File I/O Synchronized, Synchronous, and Asynchronous Operations I/O Schedulers and I/O Performance Conclusion 5. Process Management The Process ID Running a New Process Terminating a Process Waiting for Terminated Child Processes Users and Groups Sessions and Process Groups Daemons Conclusion 6. Advanced Process Management Process Scheduling Yielding the Processor Process Priorities Processor Affinity Real-Time Systems Resource Limits 7. Fileand Directory Management Files and Their Metadata Directories Links Copying and Moving Files Device Nodes Out-of-Band Communication Monitoring File Events 8. Memory Management The Process Address Space Allocating Dynamic Memory Managing the Data Segment Anonymous Memory Mappings Advanced Memory Allocation Debugging Memory Allocations Stack-Based Allocations Choosing a Memory Allocation Mechanism Manipulating Memory Locking Memory Opportunistic Allocation 9. Signals Signal Concepts Basic Signal Management Sending a Signal Reentrancy Signal Sets Blocking Signals Advanced Signal Management Sending a Signal with a Payload Conclusion 10. Time Time's Data Structures POSIX Clocks Getting the Current Time of Day Setting the Current Time of Day Playing with Time Tuning the System Clock Sleeping and Waiting Timers Appendix. GCC Extensions to the C Language Bibliography Index |