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This book benefited from a large and wide variety of people, ideas, input, and efforts.
I’d like to acknowledge several of them and apologize in advance to those I may have
First, thanks to Brian Smith, Rob Wiley, and Tom Williams at Exact Target, a company
who not only does a wonderful job of incorporating their values into their organizational
culture, but are on the forefront of learning how to turn big data technologies into useful
tools. In many ways, the experience of working with them forged the motivation for this
book. Numerous conversations, interviews, dinners, and lunches yielded a great deal of
great thinking and material, and I hope I’ve represented our discussions well.
x | Preface
Those discussions wouldn’t have been possible if not for the projects that gave them a
platform through working with XPLANE, The Visual Thinking Company. There are
many great folks—and talents—at XPLANE but several individuals made direct con
tributions to the book including Matt Adams, Stephanie Gioia, Dave King, and James
Aside from those with whom I work closely, there were various subject matter experts,
from a wide variety of industries and disciplines, who graciously gave of their time and
expertise to help work through various concepts and their implications. These include:
Andrew Davis, Nigel Ballard, Jason Bobe, Erin Conroy, Pete Forsyth, Ezra Gollogly,
Dion Hinchliffe, Erik Huddleston, Bill Hoffman, Max Niederhofer, Martha Koenig, and
Adam Riggs.
A special individual who provided a great deal of subject matter expertise is Doug Pat
terson. His academic background, training, and expertise were valuable and informed
much of the philosophical thinking here. His experience teaching business ethics and
facilitating classroom discussion on highly conceptual topics meant he could quickly
identify key ethical issues. He was a great resource to turn to in those moments when I
needed clarity on more nuanced aspects of issues that had become complex.
A dedicated, informed, and rigorous group of technical reviewers gave the work the
thrashing it deserved and I hope that their comments and input are reflected fairly—I
know they made the work stronger. So, a special thanks to Terence Craig, Bob Gourley,
Mary E. Ludloff, James Macanufo, and Cathy O’Neill.
Last, and certainly not least, are many friends and members of my community. I want
to thank them from the bottom of my heart for their encouragement, faith, discussions,
patience, sustenance, interest, and ongoing belief in the value of this project: Laura Allen,
Jake Baker, Tad Bamford, Cari Carter, Collin Connon, Tanya Frantzen, Patrick Foss,
Vincent Grace, Drew Hansen, Erica Hassinger, Geoff Rogers, Jodi Sweetman, Carisa
Sprecher, Khris Soden, Ben Thompson, Paul Wille, Rob Woolsey, and Morgan Wu.
Finally, a great deal of gratitude and an explicit Thank You to the many folks at O’Reilly
who have been a part of this effort.
Especially my primary editor Courtney Nash who, when I told her I was planning to
write a self-published white paper on big data ethics, immediately started investigating
whether anyone had signed up to do that for O’Reilly and offered to bring a proposal to
the editorial group. Special thanks for recognizing the value of the topic, being its cham
pion, and working diligently to help make sure the project continued to unfold pro
ductively—all while making the work read better in the process.
That also couldn’t have happened without interim editor (while Courtney was working
on a side project of her own—which resulted in a beautiful baby girl), Julie Steele. Julie
stepped in graciously, in the middle of a very busy and important time, and helped make
sure I stayed between the rails as the work moved forward.
Preface | xi
And lastly, of course, thanks to Tim O’Reilly for creating an organization that would
even consider publishing work on such a topic and for his discussion and insights on
technology, culture, and community.
I hope you all enjoy the book and find it useful.