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Enterprise OSGi in Action PDF 下载 下载地址:
相关截图: ![]() 资料简介: Nearly all Java EE Application Servers now use OSGi in theirruntimes, greatly improving efficiency, fault tolerance, andsecurity. The new OSGi Enterprise Specification and projects suchas Apache Aries and Geronimo, that provide pluggable OSGicomponents, make it easier than ever to use OSGi's powerful,elegant, and mature modularity system in enterprise applications.Enterprise OSGi in Action is a hands-on guide for developers usingOSGi to build the next generation of enterprise Java applications.By presenting relevant examples and case studies, it guides readersthrough the maze of new standards and projects, arming them withthe knowledge to build and deploy enterprise OSGi applications, useautomatic dependency provisioning, provide enterprise qualities ofservice to their business logic, and make use of the Java EEtechnologies they know and love. ABOUT THE TECHNOLOGY EnterpriseOSGi offers a new approach to building modular and dynamic businessapplications. This modularity lets pieces of the application bereused or extended in a simple, reliable way. Importantly, despitethe new concepts, technologies from Enterprise Java can still beused, often with no changes to the original code. |