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Oracle Java SE Universal Subscription- Protect Your Investment in Java SE PDF 下载

时间:2024-06-06 12:05来源: 作者:转载  侵权举报
Oracle Java SE Universal Subscription- Protect Your Investment in Java SE
Oracle Java SE Universal Subscription- Protect Your Investment in Java SE PDF 下载



Java Patches And Security Updates 
Java 8 updates have been released by Oracle since April 2019. These releases,
when used for production, require a subscription unless it is being used with an Oracle 
product (personal and development use do not need a subscription). JDK 11 updates 
are available under the same terms since Sep 2019. Updates for JDK 17 will be released 
the same way after September 2024. What does this mean for your organization? From 
extensive experience working with Java partners, we are aware that most large 
organizations run several versions of Java for a variety of reasons. Some organizations 
have constrained their applications to particular Java versions. By providing greater 
flexibility around the Java versions that are maintained, Java SE Universal Subscription 
is designed to accommodate these business needs.
Use Java SE Universal Subscription’s term-based licensing and support to maintain 
your flexibility around the transition point between versions while at the same time 
making sure that your Java platform remains stable and up to date. Keeping out-ofdate
versions of Java on your system may present a security risk, so customers should 
always install updates to get the latest performance, stability, and security 
Your organization may be subject to corporate or industry-wide obligations, specifically 
keeping your software platforms supported and up to date with all available security 
patches installed. Java SE Universal Subscription makes it easy for you to meet these 
• Remain on a fully updated Java LTS release even after that version reaches 
the end of permissive licensing, thereby controlling your upgrade path. 
• Streamline running different Java versions side-by-side, thereby managing 
certified compatibility for different applications.
Enterprise Class Performance for Java
• Subscribers and OCI users running JDK 8 server workloads have access to the
Java SE Subscription Enterprise Performance Pack (Enterprise Performance Pack). 
The performance pack delivers dramatic improvements developed from JDK 9 to 
JDK 17 into your JDK 8 workloads. These include significant memory management 
and performance improvements like the ultra-low-latency garbage collector ZGC 
from JDK 15 and the memory savings from JDK 9’s compact strings. With this 
drop-in replacement for JDK 8, customers running workloads near memory or
CPU capacity can see immediate benefits. Internal and partner testing shows 
improvements in both memory usage and performance of heavily loaded 
applications of up to 40%.
• Your subscription also includes Oracle GraalVM, a high-performance runtime with 
polyglot capabilities for modern microservices. GraalVM Native Image offers 
substantial startup improvements and further memory savings with ahead-of-time 
compilation. More information on GraalVM can be found in its datasheet





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