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For my wife and kids, Kathleen, Sam and Hannelore.
Your love and joy keeps me sane in crazy times.
For my wife, Annemarie, and my children, David, Roos,
Anne and Maarten. Thanks for bearing with me—I love you!
For my children Thomas and Lisa, and for Yvonne, to whom
I owe more than words can express.
About the Authors
Matt Casters has been an independent business intelligence consultant for many years
and has implemented numerous data warehouses and BI solutions for large companies.
For the last 8 years, Matt kept himself busy with the development of an ETL tool called
Kettle. This tool was open sourced in December 2005 and acquired by Pentaho early
in 2006. Since then, Matt took up the position of Chief Data Integration at Pentaho. His
responsibility is to continue to be lead developer for Kettle. Matt tries to help the Kettle
community in any way possible; he answers questions on the forum and speaks occasionally at conferences all around the world. He has a blog at ]iie/$$lll#^Wg^Y\Z#WZ and
you can follow his 5bViiXVhiZgh account on Twitter.
Roland Bouman has been working in the IT industry since 1998 and is currently working as a web and business intelligence developer. Over the years he has focused on
open source software, in particular database technology, business intelligence, and
web development frameworks. He’s an active member of the MySQL and Pentaho communities, and a regular speaker at international conferences, such as the MySQL User
Conference, OSCON and at Pentaho community events. Roland co-authored the MySQL
5.1. Cluster Certification Guide and Pentaho Solutions, and was a technical reviewer for
a number of MySQL and Pentaho related book titles. He maintains a technical blog at
]iie/$$geWdjbVc#Wad\hedi#Xdb and tweets as 5gdaVcYWdjbVc on Twitter.
Jos van Dongen is a seasoned business intelligence professional and well-known author
and presenter. He has been involved in software development, business intelligence, and
data warehousing since 1991. Before starting his own consulting practice, Tholis Consulting,
in 1998, he worked for a top tier systems integrator and a leading management consulting firm. Over the past years, he has successfully implemented BI and data warehouse
solutions for a variety of organizations, both commercial and non-profit. Jos covers new
BI developments for the Dutch Database Magazine and speaks regularly at national and
international conferences. He authored one book on open source BI and is co-author of the
book Pentaho Solutions. You can find more information about Jos on ]iie/$$lll#i]da^h
#Xdb or follow 5_dhkVcYdc\Zc on Twitter.