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地理信息系统导论课后题参考答案 PDF 下载
1. Define geospatial data.
Geospatial data are data that describe both the locations and characteristics of spatial
features such as roads, land parcels, and vegetation stands on the Earth’s surface.
2. Describe an example of GIS application from your discipline.
[Refer to Section 1.2 and describe an example of GIS application from geography,
forestry, geology, environmental studies, business, public health, etc.]
3. Go to the USGS National Map website (http://nationalmap.gov/viewer.html)
and see what kinds of geospatial data are available for download.
[Go to the above website, follow the instructions at the website, and check for
geospatial data available for download.]
4. Go to the National Institute of Justice website
(http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/nij/maps/) and read how GIS is used for crime
[Go to the above website. “Learn about Crime Mapping” is included in the lower right
corner. It lists three topics: What is GIS; Mapping Crime: Principle and Practice; and
Understanding Hot Spots.]
5. Location-based services are probably the most commercialized GIS-related
field. Search for “location-based service” in Wikipedia
(http://www.wikipedia.org/) and read what has been posted on the topic.
Accessed on August 9, 2010, Wikipedia defines a location-based service as “an
information and entertainment service, accessible with mobile devices through the
mobile network and utilizing the ability to make use of the geographical position of
the mobile device.”
6. What types of software and hardware are you currently using for GIS classes
and projects?
[Name the software package (e.g., ArcGIS 10.2) and the hardware (e.g., PC Windows
7) for the GIS class.]
7. Try the map locators offered by Microsoft Virtual Earth, Yahoo Maps, and
Google Maps, respectively. State the major differences among these three
[Go to each website, try the map locator, and summarize, in your opinion, the major
differences between the map locators.]
8. Define geometries and attributes as the two components of GIS data.
Geometries describe the locations of spatial features, which may be discrete or
continuous. Attributes describe the characteristics of spatial features.
9. Explain the difference between vector data and raster data.
Vector data use points and their x-, y-coordinates to represent spatial features of
points, lines, and areas. Raster data use a grid and grid cells to represent the spatial
variation of a feature.
10. Explain the difference between the georelational data model and the
object-based data model.
The georelational data model uses a split system to store geometries and attributes.
The object-based data model stores geometries and attributes in a single system.
11. What does it mean by "volunteered geographic information"?
Volunteered geographic information is geographic information generated by the
public using web applications and services.
12. Suppose you are required to do a GIS project for a class. What kinds of
activities or operations do you have to perform to complete the project?
[The project will most likely involve data input, data management, data display, data
exploration, data analysis, and, in some cases, GIS models and modeling.]
13. Name two examples for vector data analysis.
Examples for vector data analysis include buffering, overlay, distance measurement,
spatial statistics, and map manipulation.
14. Name two examples of raster data analysis.
Examples of raster data analysis includes local, neighborhood, zonal, and global