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Information Technology Project Management-Cengage Learning (2013) PDF 下载

时间:2021-06-16 09:12来源: 作者:转载  侵权举报
Information Technology Project Management-Cengage Learning (2013) PDF 下载
Information Technology Project Management-Cengage Learning (2013) PDF 下载


Many people and organizations today have a new—or renewed—interest in project man-
agement. Until the 1980s, project management primarily focused on providing schedule
and resource data to top management in the military, computer, and construction indus-
tries. Today’s project management involves much more, and people in every industry and
every country manage projects. Project management is a distinct profession with degree
programs, certifications, and excellent career opportunities. New technologies have
become a significant factor in many businesses. Computer hardware, software, networks,
and the use of interdisciplinary and global work teams have radically changed the work
environment. The following statistics demonstrate the significance of project management
in today’s society, especially for projects involving information technology (IT). Note that
IT projects involve using hardware, software, and networks to create a product, service, or
• The overall information and communications technology (ICT) market grew
by 6 percent to almost $3 trillion in 2010. Spending on computer systems,
peripherals, storage devices, mobile devices, and network equipment
increased by 16 percent, the fastest rate of growth for hardware investment
Chapter 1
Copyright 2012 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be copied, scanned, or duplicated, in whole or in part.
since 1996. Storage spending grew by 14 percent, server spending by
9 percent, and PC spending by 11 percent. 1
• In the United States, the size of the IT workforce topped 4 million workers for
the first time in 2008. Demand for talent is high, and several organizations
throughout the world cannot grow as desired due to difficulties in hiring and
recruiting the people they need. 2
• The unemployment rate for IT professionals is generally half the rate of the
overall labor market in the United States. Moody’s Analytics publicly pre-
dicted the addition of about 150,000 tech jobs by the end of 2011 in the
United States. “Fueled by explosive growth in mobile and cloud-based
applications, as well as federally mandated electronic medical records
reforms, this surge has been driven in part by a wave of Angry Birds,
smartphones, DropBoxes and compliance requirements. American businesses
are crying out for tech-savvy talent.” 3
• In 2011, the average salary for project management professionals in
U.S. dollars was $105,000 per year in the United States, $139,497 in Australia,
$160,409 in Switzerland (the highest-paid country), and $23,207 in China
(the lowest-paid country). These average salaries do not include bonuses. 4
• The number of people earning their Project Management Professional (PMP)
certification continues to increase each year. found that
44 percent of employers listed project management as a skill they looked for
in new college graduates, behind only communication and technical skills. 5
• A research report showed that the United States spends $2.3 trillion on
projects every year, an amount equal to 25 percent of the nation’s gross
domestic product. The world as a whole spends nearly $10 trillion of its
$40.7 trillion gross product on projects of all kinds. More than 16 million
people regard project management as their profession. 6
Today’s companies, governments, and nonprofit organizations are recognizing that to
be successful, they need to use modern project management techniques, especially for IT
projects. Individuals are realizing that to remain competitive in the workplace, they must
develop skills to become good project team members and project managers. They also
realize that many of the concepts of project management will help them in their everyday
lives as they work with people and technology on a day-to-day basis.





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